Gunked up 10/22 - finally found my problems


NES Door Greeter
Jul 8, 2005
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So many that may have talked to me or seen my posts here or there will know I have been having a hard time with my 10/22.
Problem was feeding the first round, even when I got it to chamber properly I would get a click and no boom (maybe I should say bang since its a 22)
Well I am also known for not cleaning my firearms all that well. Used to clean them very nicely but found it took away time from what I actually like doing shooting and reloading. So anyhow before I decided to just get rid of it, which I clearly did not need to do, I finally broke down the 10/22 completely to give it a good clean up. Come to find out my problems all came from:


You can see how gunked up it was and was no surprise I was having problems. Not even sure how that build up happened but a little elbow grease was all it needed. Cleaned her up nicely and took her down the range yesterday fired 40 rounds without issue and I am a happy camper again.

Lesson learned - not all guns like to be dirty and dirtypacman has to clean his guns at least once every couple months or face the aggravation at the range when it does not work right.
I own two 10/22's and like them but they do get gunked up pretty fast. If I was planning on using in a shoot there is no way I would want to do that with out cleaning it first. After a few times you can do it pretty quick. Usually don't go to crazy with it just pull apart and scrub things a bit with some hoppies #9 and brush follow with some oil and good to go. Once that is done they have been very reliable.
I own two 10/22's and like them but they do get gunked up pretty fast. If I was planning on using in a shoot there is no way I would want to do that with out cleaning it first. After a few times you can do it pretty quick. Usually don't go to crazy with it just pull apart and scrub things a bit with some hoppies #9 and brush follow with some oil and good to go. Once that is done they have been very reliable.

Yes to be honest that was my first complete breakdown of the rifle and cleaning. I had about 1,000 rounds through it. I usually do the old snake the barrel once or twice and wipe down. I am happy to know with a little love it was back in action without any major issue.
I don't think the problem is with the 10/22s, it's the ammo, virtually all of the 22 ammo is very dirty.
I only clean my 10/22's when the light turns on...
Seriously though, except for the one with a nice barrel, they don't get anything more than a boresnakemore than once every 1000 rounds or so.
Yup between dirty ammo and a dirty gun the 10/22 can be a jamomatic... I am going to make it routine to clean after every 300-400 rounds so I don't end up frustrated at the range again. It's my cheap date at the range and she was not even putting out properly for me ;D
I use plated bullets in our 10/22s. Clean with boresnake (probably every 1-2K rds) and occasionally a wet patch where I can reach, but that is probably only every 2-4K rds. Rem Golden Bullets or the Fed bulk pack (ChinaMart) works well in our 10/22s.
Agreed though, 10/22s seem to be picky on being clean.

Yup between dirty ammo and a dirty gun the 10/22 can be a jamomatic... I am going to make it routine to clean after every 300-400 rounds so I don't end up frustrated at the range again.
Y'all are kidding, right? My 10/22s regularly see 1000 rounds at an Appleseed shoot and run along with no problem. Frequently I don't have time to strip all three down between shoots so they go 2K rounds or more between cleanings with no problems.

Perhaps it's the Volquartsen Exact Edge extractors I put in every one (Best $12 you can spend on a 10/22!). Or the oh-so-expensive plated Federal bulk pack they shoot - WallyWorld's finest!

I use plated bullets in our 10/22s. Clean with boresnake (probably every 1-2K rds) and occasionally a wet patch where I can reach, but that is probably only every 2-4K rds. Rem Golden Bullets or the Fed bulk pack (ChinaMart) works well in our 10/22s.

Wait - WHAT??? I NEVER use Rem Golden Garbage. If there's anyone who's dealing with jamming and misfires up the wazoo, it's the poor bastard with a box of Remington Golden Duds. I hate that crap and NEVER buy it.

Ask AbbyOakley's older brother Jake how well that Remington junk worked for him at the Mansfield shoot a few weeks back. He had more misfires than anyone else... until Scouter-Rick got him a box of Federal.
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Haha dwarven1 your just showing off with you tricked out $12 extractor ... What I really should do is just drop it off to you, have you finish up the modifications it needs and pay you with an ever so expensive Federal bulk pack when your done with it.

Really though I need to finish my mods - did the sights and the sling still need to do extended release, extractor, etc. etc.
Haha dwarven1 your just showing off with you tricked out $12 extractor ... What I really should do is just drop it off to you, have you finish up the modifications it needs and pay you with an ever so expensive Federal bulk pack when your done with it.

Really though I need to finish my mods - did the sights and the sling still need to do extended release, extractor, etc. etc.

I'll happily help you out with anything you want, buddy, but I can't be paid for it - I'm no gunsmith. But I'd be happy to help out. (Volquartsen should give me a commission, I think I've sold so many of those extractors!)
I'll happily help you out with anything you want, buddy, but I can't be paid for it - I'm no gunsmith. But I'd be happy to help out. (Volquartsen should give me a commission, I think I've sold so many of those extractors!)

Ok then I am going online and before the end of this month I will purchase the much needed upgrades. Ill try and catch you at the club sometime to help with the mods. I am sure I can do it myself its just better to have a mentor :)
I stopped using oil in my 10/22 bolt and receiver and now run it "dry" with Teflon spray. I did put a little gun grease on fire control parts but no oil. So far, so good. I'm probably about 600 rounds into it.

And, yes the voq. extractors are worth it. I bought their buffer too but keep forgetting to install it, lol.
Wait - WHAT??? I NEVER use Rem Golden Garbage. If there's anyone who's dealing with jamming and misfires up the wazoo, it's the poor bastard with a box of Remington Golden Duds. I hate that crap and NEVER buy it.

Ask AbbyOakley's older brother Jake how well that Remington junk worked for him at the Mansfield shoot a few weeks back. He had more misfires than anyone else... until Scouter-Rick got him a box of Federal.

Ross, you ought to know that you can't generalize when it comes to .22s!

Two of the same model gun may well not run the same with the same ammo.

Rem Golden Bullets (originally bought because AA Conversion kits specifically RECOMMEND them and tell you NOT to use Federal!) run great in both my 10/22s. No problems except a rare round that won't go off until you rotate it a bit and try again (incomplete bad primer coating). Federals also run fine in my 10/22s.

I ran ~1800 Rem Golden Bullets thru my 10/22 at the muddy/rainy Appleseed I attended in Pelham last year. Absolutely no problems with it.

Depicts will tell you that Rem Thunderbolts run great in his .22s, they gummed mine up so bad that I broke 2 brushes and a cleaning rod trying to get all the lead out. In over 30 years of shooting .22s, I never saw a barrel lead up like that. I won't let Thunderbolts near any of my guns.

.22s are all about "YMMV"!
Len, I need to see your 10/22... just so I can say that I have seen a 10/22 that likes that crap. I used to use it in my Ruger pistols... until they reshaped the bullet several years back and after that EVERY round that I tried to feed would hang up on the feed ramp.

I know about generalizing, but honestly, I've seen so many people having trouble with Remington ammo that I simply won't buy it any more. You & Depicts are definitely the exceptions to my experience. Glad someone can use the stuff... I suspect if you ask Joel S, he'll give you the remains of a box of that stuff!! [laugh]
You are welcome as my guest at either club anytime I have time to go there and you can shoot them yourself.

Depicts gun loves Thunderbolts. No idea if he uses/tried to use Golden Bullets or not. I just pointed out what happened in my gun with another type ammo vs. another person with opposite experience with same ammo.
I attended the most recent Leyden Appleseed and was surprised at how dirty my 10/22 got. I cleaned it after the first evening to try and ensure that I wouldn't have any problems. My only problem ended up being fatigue towards the end of day 2 [grin]. I was using federal high velocity copper plated solids.
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