Guns OK, now how about free speech?

May 17, 2009
Harrison, Maine
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Colleges should be welcoming debate' on role of firearms in society

The U.S. Supreme Court has now ruled that Americans have a constitutional right to own firearms – and now one group is asking, what about students' right to free speech about guns?

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, a group that battles college speech restrictions nationwide, is drawing attention to widespread college censorship of student speech concerning guns.

"In the wake of Monday's Supreme Court decision in McDonald v. Chicago, debate about the Second Amendment and gun rights is sure to be hotter than ever," said FIRE President Greg Lukianoff. "Meanwhile, on too many college campuses, students have been prevented from and punished for attempting to form groups to advocate for gun rights, protesting campus restrictions on concealed carry or even simply telling gun-related jokes."

He added, "[A]n informed populace is essential to our democracy, and colleges and universities should be welcoming a debate on the role of guns in our society, not stifling it."

This is a new one to me. I went to the University of Florida, which has forever been on FIRE's shitlist, but the Pistol & Rifle Club of which I was a member was an official student organization and never got any flak from the administration that I'm aware of.
This is a new one to me. I went to the University of Florida, which has forever been on FIRE's shitlist, but the Pistol & Rifle Club of which I was a member was an official student organization and never got any flak from the administration that I'm aware of.

Just because they don't bother you in one thing doesn't mean they don't go after you on another. FIRE's website is replete with stories about empty holster protests quashed etc. It happens all over the place, even in places where in other respects, they are good on free speech. It all depends on the school.
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