Dear Maura,
Please sign up and post your thoughts and opinions so we can have a "common sense" dialogue.
We are not the enemy, you just want to keep thinking that. As you are well aware, those of us who have been permitted by this corrupt political machine which loves to strip away our God given rigjts, have been through an extensive background check by our respective licensing officer. If there were any hiccups in the process we would be prohibited from owning any firearms, period.
You won't find felons here, well not until your 7/20/16 made us such, so trying to suck someone into committing a crime for your advancement is a waste of everybody's time.
Please use your time to clarify the can of whoopass you so graciously opened up on the law abiding citizens of this once great commonwealth. There is truly more to life than the advancement of one's political career while curb stomping good people for the fun of it.
Your posse of fellow law skirting co-conspiritors need to figure out what an actual "assault weapon" is.
Seth Moulton, John Rosenthal (he is a gun owner you know), and Charlie are as clueless as you can be on the issue at hand. Military weapons are NOT on the streets unless someone robs an armory.
Please refrain from wasting valuable bandwidth to have your minions clog various fora for sh*ts & giggles. This may be a game for you and yours, but it is most definitely not for those who value freedom. Freedom seems to be lost to the candidates looking to occupy 1,600 Pennsylvania Avenue but we always strive to keep it.
Now please read the Constitution and Bill of Rights carefully, then listen to your swearing in with your hand on the Holy Bible.
Simcerely, Fixxah
P.S. You already know who I am so feel free to call me. Just don't call after 7pm, you'll wake the children.