H&K P7M8

You need to have the factory cleaning kit including the scraper that is used for deposits inside the receiver where the recoil spring is housed. Check out the website "Cult of the P7M8"
I have heard nothing but great things about the P7 and dream about owning one. Please put a range report once you have the chance...never heard a bad thing other than being overly complex and getting hot...not a range gun for sure. [wink]

I recently bought a H&K P7 M8, any advice, would like to know from who ones one, thanks[grin]

1. You probably paid more money for it than you thought you should have.
2. Spare magizines cost a fortune too. Buy a couple. Grit your teeth if necessary.
3. Enjoy what I think is THE best trigger I'ver ever pulled.


Hope that helps,
I've had my P7M8 since 2002 and love it.

First: The gun is VERY safe, but it works differently enough from other pistols that I suggest you only shoot the P7M8 for a while until you get used to the gun and develop the muscle memory in the grip to not cock the gun until you are ready to fire. Cocked, mine has a trigger pull of between 3.5 and 4 pounds. I would not consider this a good gun for the novice or infrequent shooter.

I will routinely go 1000-1500 rounds between cleaning and have had no problems, supposdly they will go about 3000 rounds without cleaning before the gas system needs to be cleaned out.
Stick with factory magazines, the only after market maker of P7M8 magazines that I am aware of is Pro Mag and a friend who bought one for his P7M8 said it caused jams. I have probably 5000+ rounds through mine and aside from a single failure to fire that I believe may have been my fault, it has never failed to fire or had a jam.
As for the trigger heating up, the only time it became uncomfortable is after I ran 7 or 8 magazines through the gun in less then 5 minutes.
I have been VERY pleased with the Milt Sparks Versa Max II for this gun, it is very comfortable and the P7M8 lends itself well to concealment as it is flat and smaller then most guns with a 4" barrel.
The gun will probably not like the 90gr loads or the specialty loads for 9mm such as the Glaser or Magsafe, the gun was designed around the 115 & 124gr 9mm load.
Stick with jacketed ammo, lead bullets will clog up the gas system.
Well to be honest yes it was pricey but, wanted one since the first time I had one in my hands, mags expensive so I need to do more search on that. I checked a couple websites like hk-pro, cult of the P7M8, a ton of information, thanks for the responses.
I carry my p7m8 daily - I love it. I like Matt Del Fatti's ISP-4, which is what I use for IWB carry.

I am a P7 addict - I think they are one of the finest 9mm pistols ever conceived.
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