HAM forums

Nov 23, 2009
South Shore
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I just passed my technician exam Sunday and received my call-sign by email notification this morning. [banana]

But, I have a lot of work ahead of me. I was searching for a HAM focused forum to continue my learning. I like the information exchanged on focused forums. Anyone here have any recommendations as to the better sites? [tinfoil]
The email reflectors on contesting.com (left side of page) are a wealth of information when it comes to technical stuff.

TowerTalk - Towers, antennas, antenna supports and more http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/towertalk/
Amps - High power info, from building your own to repairing amps http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/amps/
Topband - Operating on 160M (and 80M), tips tricks and equipment http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/topband/
RFI - Info on interference, both transmitted and received, and ways to remediate http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/rfi/

For some light reading, Jim Brown K9YC has a ton of info at his site http://audiosystemsgroup.com/publish.htm

This subforum has been very helpful to me. We have some very knowledgeable and helpful people here that are pretty quick to answer question threads when posted.

Sent using a mobile device and Tapatalk. Sorry for typos and/or brevity.
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