All I can really tell you is come down to the Hanson Shoot and see what it is all about. I think you will find it is considerably different than what you have experienced before. That is not to say there is anything wrong with the way your club does things, simply that they are two different things.
From what you describe, I suspect your club's "shoot" is part of a club open house or similar "membership drive" type event, in which there are other shooting events going on to show off the club, and attract new members.
Whereas the Hanson Shoot is "the event", yes there is a small gunshow attached with various venders, and the club sets up a table to get new members, but the reason the people are coming is for the shoot. (it really is similar to Knob Creek, Dry Creek, or the former North Country & HMHS shoots) Someone correct me if I am wrong but a few years back I believe Shotgun News said it was the 3rd largest public shoot in the country.
So if you want to come watch come on down, If you own some MG's let me know and we'll get you on the mailing list and see if we can get you a line possition. Like everyone else on the line you set your own "prices" so if you want to let everyone shoot your stuff for free, you are welcome to do so, I will guarantee you will have the longest line of "customers" waiting to shoot...
Finnally, sure you can get most M16/Uzi/Mac parts pretty cheap, but bulged barrel on a Thompson, receiver work/new rails for an MG42, new "guts" for an M2HB, all of which are issues I've seen first hand inaddition to countless other "minor issues" in 100's of guns used during the shoot, and things aren't that inexpensive.