Last E-board meeting think they said 1200+/- with another 200+/- who hadn't renewed yet...
Could be, I was just going off of this from "club news" section of the website.
Letter to the membership from the President
Dear Valued Club Member,
Recently we have had a lot of questions about the new work hour requirements being implemented for 2009. It has been a very trying 2008 at the Club. The Executive Board has passed a resolution requiring ALL members to put in at least 8 work hours over the course of the year for 2009. The reasons for doing so are as follows:
There are over 950 members of the Hanson Rod and Gun Club. At any one time, during the course of the year, there are approximately 40-50 members doing ALL of the work that is required at the Club. (i.e., yearly, monthly, weekly maintenance of the facilities, membership renewals, events and activities that the membership has requested, etc.) It is the opinion of the Board that this is an unmanageably large burden being placed on the small number of people that are doing all the work for the other 900 members, and makes us unable to offer as many events and programs as the members would like. Giving 8 hours to YOUR Club, spread over the course of the year, is not too much to ask of any member of the organization.
The Executive Board has gone to great lengths this year to ensure that during these tough economic times that we do not increase the dues of our membership. We have restructured loans, eliminated "unnecessary" services, and kept most of our farmed out services in-house. This has resulted in a substantial savings to the Club. The Board, as a result, is asking the membership to help step up and pitch in so that we can keep the expenditures for 2009 to a minimum.
You, as a member, have been provided a copy of the committees that need your help with your annual renewal letter. I hope you will take the time to look it over and try to choose a committee that you can help us out with. Remember, we have work for EVERYONE regardless of your age or physical abilities. Some of the work required is not of a physical nature. (i.e., mailings, dues renewal, score keeping at events, club house cleaning, etc.) If you have skills (electrician, plumber, accountant, lawyer, etc.) we really could use your services to help curb expenditures.
If you feel that you are unable or unwilling to help out with your time, we are offering a "buy out" option. You can opt to pay an additional $75.00 on top of your $125.00 annual dues to help offset the added expense of hiring people to come in to do work for the membership.
I sincerely hope that those of you who think this might be an unfair burden placed on you will take the time to check out some of the other clubs in the area and see what you they charge for annual dues, and what the other facilities provide you with for services. I'm sure you will find that we are a great bargain for what you receive.
I hope that this letter clears up some of the confusion surrounding the 2009 work hour program and I hope that all of you understand that this helps EVERYONE involved with the organization. Remember, if we continue at the rate we are currently at, everyone will pay more to be members of the Club, if we ALL pitch in and help out, this benefits EVERYONE financially. Let's hope that better economic times are right around the corner! If anyone has any further questions regarding this issue feel free to contact Club President, Paul Williams or any member of the Board of Directors. Good shooting to all
Paul Williams
Club President