Hanson v. Standish question

Sep 12, 2005
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Right now, we live in Brockton near East Bridgewater, but, belong to Braintree R&P. We love the club and do not plan on leaving, but, we're considering getting a second membership closer to home. Both Standish Sportsman's Club in East Bridgewater and Hanson Rod and Gun are close to us. DH has seen both, I'm supposed to go check them out this weekend. Does anyone have any information you could share with me about these clubs? Anything to worry about or be forewarned about? Or anything absolutely fabulous?

Gail, you might also look at Mansfield F&G on Rte. 106. I'd be happy to show both of you around if/when you are interested. There is a thread in the clubs sub-forum on MF&G you might also look thru, plus www.mansfieldfish.com

MF&G fits my niche of being able to shoot non-paper targets, at varying distances, etc. All things that we can't do at BR&P (which is still a fabulous club, but different).
hanson does have a new indoor pistol range and a newly constructed 50yd outdoor range.

their 100y range is also newly done as of last year (newly groomed backstop,etc.)

you have to bring your own target stands if you are going to use shotguns, otherwise you can use theirs.

if you are into archery, they have outdoor 3D targets off in the woods...

their trap range is nice and they do quite a bit of women's event, nevermind fun events for all...

i guess i like the people there too [grin]
Hansons high power range has an awful glare, and makes shooting very hard sometimes. They also only allow paper targets. Also their indoor range only has 50 foot targets you cannot place the target any closer than that if you would like to. They do have some nice events but they are not my choice, and their is NO ALCH. allowed on the premises ever. Not even at dinners nothing ever.
hanson does have a new indoor pistol range and a newly constructed 50yd outdoor range.

their 100y range is also newly done as of last year (newly groomed backstop,etc.)

you have to bring your own target stands if you are going to use shotguns, otherwise you can use theirs.

if you are into archery, they have outdoor 3D targets off in the woods...

their trap range is nice and they do quite a bit of women's event, nevermind fun events for all...

i guess i like the people there too [grin]
Seconded, and their indoor pistol range is open 24/7 in case you really need to shoot at 3am!!! (You think it won't happen, but it will.)
I also lived where you do,and I belonged to Standish until I moved to Taunton.Although Hanson is a better club,Standish is not too shabby either and a heck of a lot closer.
i go every weekend and say like 2 hours before sunset the sun is directly over the range and it makes it tough. Not to mention i think that all their stands are wrecked, so better bring your own. I just don't think ill be renewing my membership.
Well, I think most know I am biased towards hanson, however befor I go on my "hanson is the greatest club in the world" rant I'll say Standish isn't bad, its a nice little club, with very reasonable dues. I suppose if I was already a member of a bigger club like Braintree, then Standish would be a fine 2nd club.

All that said, I think Hanson has alot more to offer, and while I can't say I always like the rulings of the clubs B.O.D. they ussually have good reason for it. Hanson is a very "free" club, members come and go as they please, not need for RSO's to be there, ect, as a result there are some rules to keep the place safe and "in shape". Let me address a few that have been mentioned here, currently yes "paper targets only" why? because FOR YEARS we could shoot whatever we wanted, and "we" were warned many times by the B.O.D. just pick up your mess when you are done, most of us did some didn't. The club runs of volunteers and eventually they had enough of picking up someone else's mess (old jugs, shattered glass, TV's, propain tanks, etc) so club said OK paper only. As for target stands, correct if you want to "target shoot" with a shotgun you need to bring your own stand, simply because club volunteers make up "the clubs" stands and don't like to see them destroyed in seconds with a shotgun...As for targets only at 50ft on the indoor range, again few bad apples spoil it for all, shots off the floor, walls etc, so B.O.D. says now you need to put your targets at the backstop (50 ft), so you have no reason to shoot at anything but the backstop...

As for issues of glare...I guess that comes with knowing the range and where you possition yourself on it, the only time I encounter "unreasonable glare" is shooting in the snow and having the sun bouncing off the snow (like skiing)...

their is NO ALCH. allowed on the premises ever.
And this is a bad thing??? I love to shoot and I enjoy my liqour, but the two should not be mixed...
Not even at dinners nothing ever.
And how about when the dinner is over? you don't think it exposes the club to a bit of liability if they were to allow alcohol, considering the 24hour indoor range is in the lower level of the meeting hall? If you want to drink there are plenty of bars around...

They do have some nice events but they are not my choice...
This is one of the biggest draws to Hanson, I beleive "cowboy action shooting" is about the only shooting sport not offered at hanson, but hey maybe someone will start one...just visit the clubs website www.hansonrodandgunclub.com and there is everything from of course my event the MG shoot, to numerous archery events, blackpowder events, and everything in between, plus a lot of monthly/weekly "gatherings" I won't call them events, but things such as trap leagues, pistol leagues, CMP, junior Rifle, etc.

OK I wrote enough, you get the picture I am biased towards Hanson...
Taunton has a bar located at its 24 hour range, And I understand that guns and alcohol should never be mixed, however i do enjoy a beer at a game dinner, so the club isn't my choice. I know it exposes them to liability and i can understand however i am a responsible person i don't see a problem (for me) i can seperate the two. I have been a member for a few years, and I'm not planning on renewing. Its my opinion and if you want to pick apart what i say that's fine. I just think that a smaller club with less members is more where i would like to be. So i understand that your biased towards Hanson and if its for you then great! have fun is just telling people what they don't allow so they know, since they were things that made me want to leave, whether or not they are reasonable.
You certainly make a good point,
...I just think that a smaller club with less members is more where i would like to be. So i understand that your biased towards Hanson and if its for you then great!
Some people just don't like the atmosphere of certain clubs, You like Taunton, I like Hanson, many here love Braintree, personally I don't care for Braintree, its all in personal choice. I belonged to a number of clubs before I "settled in" to Hanson. I appologize if I came off in some way as hostile, my intent was not so much to "pick apart" what you say, but simply explain why the issues/rules exist so as to assist the OP thier decission.
Well i just a list of Hanson's amenities, and i figured that i would let people interested in joining know that there are certain no no's of the club that i haven't always agreed with. I as well as any other reasonably person understang why these rules exists, however i think if the club wasn't so large that they may better be able to pinpoint who the trouble makers are. I belong to a smaller club in middleboro, and we all know each other and get along and there isn't a long list of do's and don t's because we all know to clean up after our selfs and what not.
If juniors programs are in your interest they have the second best anywhere (mine's the best). I do not belong to Hanson but shoot there frequently and like the club. Holbrook might be an alternative but I know you are looking for closer.
Security boy and myself are both members at hanson. I just felt that I could add a couple of things to the discussion. Hanson also is a club that has the policy that if it's legal to own and you legaly own it you can shoot it there, if it can be safely shot on their ranges. There are no limits to the amount of ammo that you can have in the gun at one time. Some clubs limit you to how many rounds you can have in your gun when you shoot, I've seen limits as low as one round at a time. I will also say that I do know of clubs that do have bars and that have had problems with people shooting at them while drunk. My position is why tempt the inevitable, if you serve alcohol sooner or later someone will abuse it.
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Thanks guys. DH and I were at Hanson over the weekend. He's shot trap there a few Sundays, but, apparently the snow kept the guys away this weekend. Everyone we've met there is very nice, and I do like that they've got some really good programs. DH's uncle is going to join there and so are we. Nothing against Standish, we just decided to go with Hanson.

BTW...someone mentioned you could only shoot paper targets. I was told that there has been discussion about shooting metal targets again. That could be nice ;)
Thanks guys. DH and I were at Hanson over the weekend. He's shot trap there a few Sundays, but, apparently the snow kept the guys away this weekend. Everyone we've met there is very nice, and I do like that they've got some really good programs. DH's uncle is going to join there and so are we. Nothing against Standish, we just decided to go with Hanson.

BTW...someone mentioned you could only shoot paper targets. I was told that there has been discussion about shooting metal targets again. That could be nice ;)

I believe when they finish rebuilding the side berms on the high power range they will take another look at this. Hopefully, they allow it, shooting paper gets a little boring sometimes.
do any of you happen to know how many members Hanson currently has? (about)
I am a member there, but just curious...

Last E-board meeting think they said 1200+/- with another 200+/- who hadn't renewed yet...

Could be, I was just going off of this from "club news" section of the website.

Letter to the membership from the President

Dear Valued Club Member,

Recently we have had a lot of questions about the new work hour requirements being implemented for 2009. It has been a very trying 2008 at the Club. The Executive Board has passed a resolution requiring ALL members to put in at least 8 work hours over the course of the year for 2009. The reasons for doing so are as follows:

There are over 950 members of the Hanson Rod and Gun Club. At any one time, during the course of the year, there are approximately 40-50 members doing ALL of the work that is required at the Club. (i.e., yearly, monthly, weekly maintenance of the facilities, membership renewals, events and activities that the membership has requested, etc.) It is the opinion of the Board that this is an unmanageably large burden being placed on the small number of people that are doing all the work for the other 900 members, and makes us unable to offer as many events and programs as the members would like. Giving 8 hours to YOUR Club, spread over the course of the year, is not too much to ask of any member of the organization.

The Executive Board has gone to great lengths this year to ensure that during these tough economic times that we do not increase the dues of our membership. We have restructured loans, eliminated "unnecessary" services, and kept most of our farmed out services in-house. This has resulted in a substantial savings to the Club. The Board, as a result, is asking the membership to help step up and pitch in so that we can keep the expenditures for 2009 to a minimum.

You, as a member, have been provided a copy of the committees that need your help with your annual renewal letter. I hope you will take the time to look it over and try to choose a committee that you can help us out with. Remember, we have work for EVERYONE regardless of your age or physical abilities. Some of the work required is not of a physical nature. (i.e., mailings, dues renewal, score keeping at events, club house cleaning, etc.) If you have skills (electrician, plumber, accountant, lawyer, etc.) we really could use your services to help curb expenditures.

If you feel that you are unable or unwilling to help out with your time, we are offering a "buy out" option. You can opt to pay an additional $75.00 on top of your $125.00 annual dues to help offset the added expense of hiring people to come in to do work for the membership.

I sincerely hope that those of you who think this might be an unfair burden placed on you will take the time to check out some of the other clubs in the area and see what you they charge for annual dues, and what the other facilities provide you with for services. I'm sure you will find that we are a great bargain for what you receive.

I hope that this letter clears up some of the confusion surrounding the 2009 work hour program and I hope that all of you understand that this helps EVERYONE involved with the organization. Remember, if we continue at the rate we are currently at, everyone will pay more to be members of the Club, if we ALL pitch in and help out, this benefits EVERYONE financially. Let's hope that better economic times are right around the corner! If anyone has any further questions regarding this issue feel free to contact Club President, Paul Williams or any member of the Board of Directors. Good shooting to all

Paul Williams
Club President
Last E-board meeting think they said 1200+/- with another 200+/- who hadn't renewed yet...

Wow, thanks for that figure. No wonder there's folks around there seemingly all the time these days, different from the old days. I joined when there were 450.
Used to like going up there when it was quieter.

I wonder if any clubs put caps on their "enrollment" figures?
Wow, thanks for that figure. No wonder there's folks around there seemingly all the time these days, different from the old days. I joined when there were 450.
Used to like going up there when it was quieter.

I wonder if any clubs put caps on their "enrollment" figures?

What's wrong with socializing at a club?

Seriously, I enjoy mixing with others at a club. If I have a question/problem, someone there may be able to help. Sometimes you get to try another shooter's toys and you let them try yours! That's what we do at NES Shoots, that's what NES is all about even when just typing electrons on a screen.

Also continual activity at a club means less opportunity for vandalism/theft by scum that might do otherwise when they realize that nobody is around (one club I belonged to had serious problems with local kids vandalizing/stealing from the small out buildings on the property).

Yes, there are some clubs with caps and I personally think that is short-sighted. Mansfield F&G had a cap of 300 until I was instrumental in recommending dropping the cap and eventually we compromised on a cap of 1000. With ~300 members, unless someone is running an NRA class there, I usually don't stumble on more than 2 or 3 people at the range on a given trip there. hardly a crowd to worry about.

Clubs need lots of money to make improvements, keep the place safe, etc. Since most money comes from dues, you can't easily do that with a small number of members. Opening it up gives a cash infusion that allows a club to exist and do what they need to to improve the facilities.

I've seen that a lot of members are strictly "paper members", mostly due to some chiefs with policies on demanding club membership in order to issue LTCs. These folks never even use the club they join. Good example is Braintree R&P with ~3000 members . . . last year I was told only 500 unique badge numbers accessed the facilities and only 250 accessed them more than 10 times during the year.
Theres nothing wrong with socializing at a club, and thats great that you enjoy doing so.
I also understand that a club is a business and needs members to make money.

However, I personally enjoyed the peacefulness of the club when I could get out there and just shoot without a lot of hubbub.

The folks I have met at Hanson have been quite pleasant, but everyone has a slightly different perspective as to how a club can serve them best.

Len, you and I would be in trouble if they told us we couldn't socialize anymore at the range ;)

[rofl] [laugh2] We were in trouble when we did that first time! The "Club Grouch" also has made the same stink a number of times at RO meetings as well since then.
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