Harder, faster, sir! My "M16A2"

Sep 25, 2019
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Had an M16A2 while in service (2001-2006). Right as I was getting out, the new kids were getting the M4s and A4s with their cool ACOGs. The ACOGs seemed like cheating to me, but I would have taken one if offered. 🤣

Had two gripes with mine. The one I had at PI was a wonky POS (no one is surprised). Failed both inspections, because it wouldn't hold the bolt open. Tried to explain to the DI, but you know how that goes. The firing pin retaining pin was missing, and was replaced by part of a toothpick or something. Barely squeaked by on qualification day. I think I made it by 2 points?

The one I was issued in Pendleton, much better. Qualified sharpshooter, then expert. And then....I got my rifle back from the armory one day, and the jackasses had swapped out my upper with a different one. 20 years later, still pissed about this. Almost strangled the kid who tried to say the uppers were all the same, it was the serialized lower that mattered. :rolleyes:

Anyway. I've had ARs since then. Some factory kitted Daniel Defense's, didn't like them. Built one with all hand picked parts....shot great. Didn't like it. Had an Armalite AR-10T that was better...but not great. Got to where I wouldn't even take them in on trade, because I'd just flip them right back out the door.

Until I saw an A2 clone on Armslist...maybe it's nostalgia, or I just like the integrated carry handle, the fixed stock, whatever. Maybe it's like the first car you fall in love with...you can buy another, but it's just not the same. Had to have it. Worked out a deal, and here she is.

Anyway, no one came here to listen to me talk, here's some pics. FN A2 upper. Palmetto M16A2 lower. Center Industries mag, with a date code of 03/05, which would have been right around when I went to Iraq for the second of 3 tours. Just need to get a green sling and a cleaning kit, and she'll be just about right, I'd say. Now if only I can get "harder, faster, sir!" out of my head when cleaning a BCG.... clone.jpg clone2.jpg

So, who else got hooked on their service firearm and had to get another, or as close as you could?
Built myself an A4 with the PSA lower and an actual NO SHIT knights armament upper that is literally a carbon copy of the one I got on PI (with the exception of the select fire option, of course.)

I was in one of the first platoons to get A4’s in training and the LAST company to qualify strictly with iron sights. They implemented the change to ACOGs for training in 2012 and all the recruits that showed up to the island even a week after us had optics. I almost felt bad for them. Popping sticks is a BITCH with an optic!
So, who else got hooked on their service firearm and had to get another, or as close as you could?

I got this one in the late 80s so I could still practice on the weekends when my A2 was in the armory.

It's a Colt HBAR without the fence around the magazine release, but it was close enough for me.

Colt AR-15A2 HBAR.jpg

Then I pieced together an M4gery to mimic the rifle I carried on my last deployment.

Again not perfect, but close enough.

AR Rifle M4gery Camo.JPG
I got this one in the late 80s so I could still practice on the weekends when my A2 was in the armory.

I tried to do the same thing when I got to Bragg... during the AWB. I didn't know anything about it, and the guy at Jim's on Yadkin just shook his head when I asked about getting an M16 clone, let alone an M4 clone.

I ended up buying an M1 carbine. Same sight picture, or close enough. Similar recoil. It helped.
So, who else got hooked on their service firearm and had to get another, or as close as you could?

I forgot to mention that I picked up a 92FS to practice with while the M-9 was in the armory.

About a year before deployment, I started using it as my EDC pistol and also competed with it.

Beretta 92 FS M-9.jpg
So, who else got hooked on their service firearm and had to get another, or as close as you could?

I was not a huge fan of my service rifles. I got my initial rifle training on an A1 with a .22 adapter in ROTC, then used A2s at Basic and in the Guard, then got an early M4 when I got to my unit. I never really liked any of them. They jammed infrequently, but often enough that I got good at SPORTs. That did not lend me confidence. I also hated the whole cleaning ritual, and I'm a guy who actually enjoys cleaning firearms.

So when I got out, I decided to branch out and try things other than M16-shaped objects. Then one day a little over a year ago I started getting nostalgic, so I picked up a 1977 SP1 and fooled around with it for awhile. I slapped an M4 stock on it and an M4 upper, the kind I remembered with a carry handle screwed on and solid handguards, no rails up front.

I thought I'd get a wave of nostalgia when I took it out, and honestly? I felt nothing. I didn't like it at all. After the FALs and AKs I'm used to now, the M4 felt cheap and rattly. So I traded it, with both buttstocks and both uppers, for an AR180 as soon as I could, and I was much happier.
I thought I'd get a wave of nostalgia when I took it out, and honestly? I felt nothing. I didn't like it at all. After the FALs and AKs I'm used to now, the M4 felt cheap and rattly. So I traded it, with both buttstocks and both uppers, for an AR180 as soon as I could, and I was much happier.

I definitely understand this.

I may need to reword my first post a bit, because this rifle is definitely in a trial phase to see whether I really loved my M16...or I was just told to, lol.

I had an AR-9 for a while, to see if it was the caliber I didn't like. Shot fine. Didn't love it. Traded that, got an MPX, much happier.

So, I'll give this a little while, give it some proper range time. If it still doesn't do it for me, then it was just nostalgia painting it in a different light. And that's fine, have to find these things out sometimes. If/when I flip it, the few things I bought for it might help the next bloke scratch some nostalgia itch they have.
I definitely understand this.

I may need to reword my first post a bit, because this rifle is definitely in a trial phase to see whether I really loved my M16...or I was just told to, lol.

I had an AR-9 for a while, to see if it was the caliber I didn't like. Shot fine. Didn't love it. Traded that, got an MPX, much happier.

So, I'll give this a little while, give it some proper range time. If it still doesn't do it for me, then it was just nostalgia painting it in a different light. And that's fine, have to find these things out sometimes. If/when I flip it, the few things I bought for it might help the next bloke scratch some nostalgia itch they have.

I'm not the best guy to ask, though; I'm biased, and I like my guns to be aesthetically pleasing. I think the M16 looks best in A1 configuration, without any possible doubt. I know that shouldn't affect my thinking, but it certainly does.

Now that I'm buying my own property? Life's too short for ugly rifles, lol!
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