Harvard for first Membership

Aug 4, 2012
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Hey Guys,

Relatively new shooter here, I just got my application in for my LTC a few weeks ago and, after looking at all that the different clubs around here have to offer I really would like to join Harvard Sportsmen's Club and be able to develop my skills without having to pay hourly up in Manchester. The only problem is I had a hard time telling on the calender which events were open to the public and since I don't know anyone who belongs there I was hoping to find someone here.

If anyone here could be kind enough to show me around the club and maybe spend an outing with me or point me to an open event I would greatly appreciate it! Also I will be looking for someone to sponsor me so I'm sure spending some range time with me would give confidence to anyone who is willing to be my sponsor.

Almost all events are open to the public. Steel challenge, USPSA, IDPA, all are open to the public. I'll probably be there for the IDPA match on Saturday, September 22nd.
When is the next time you can join? I'm hoping to do so in Sept.

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From all I've heard and seen it seems like the true gem of all clubs in this area. I'm hoping to join someday myself. I was told attending the Wednesday evening USPSA is a good way to meet folks there; now I just gotta clear some schedule and start making it up there,

My error: [Wednesdays are USPSA. IDPA is first and third Monday of the month] Thank you to the posters below for correcting this.

Good luck!
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