HB7042 An Act Concerning Implementation of the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act (2025)

Lock N Load's Podcast has a video on this bill.

View: https://youtu.be/TE-YDrkw3gQ?si=hulzlBhgcCj6ebYf

In this critical update, Joshua dives into Connecticut's proposed Bill 7042, titled "An Act Concerning Implementation of the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act," recently introduced in the Judiciary Committee. The bill, set for October 2025 implementation, aims to allow civil lawsuits against firearm industry members—like gun stores—who allegedly fail to "exercise reasonable control" over their products. Joshua explains how this vague and broad language could lead to gun stores facing crippling lawsuits over customers' actions. By reading through key sections of the bill, he highlights potential risks to small businesses and calls the bill an attack on constitutional rights, designed to put gun stores out of business. Joshua urges Connecticut residents and legislators to oppose this bill to protect both Second Amendment rights and local businesses.
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