Head spacing gauge

Oct 18, 2012
Columbus, OH
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Hey reaching out to you guys. Anyone have a go and no go headspacing gauge I could use? It will be for my .308 bolt action build and some how I forgot to buy these.
I started this same thread last week for a 5.56/.223 and someone stepped up to help me.

I do not have one, but hopefully someone can help you out.
I started this same thread last week for a 5.56/.223 and someone stepped up to help me.

I do not have one, but hopefully someone can help you out.

Hopefully the same. Was to focused on buying all the fun stuff. Just looked and they are pretty pricey (plus I want my gun up and running this weekend)

Would bring you some ammo or a 6 pack if anyone can help me out.
I am ordering a set for my .308 build tomorrow. If you don't mind waiting I can help you out when they arrive.

Edit: Oops. Missed the up and running by this weekend part.
Thanks for the offer! I might take you up the offer if I can't find anyone else or non of the shops can do it this weekend. I've been building this rifle for 1.5 months now and really want to get out and shoot it hate that I forgot to buy these.
You can borrow mine. PM me your address and I'll send them out tomorrow.

ETA: I also missed that you want the rifle running by this weekend. Well if you happen to be on Cape Cod this weekend, send me a PM. ;)
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Hey everyone.

Thanks for the offers. I brought it to a gunsmith today and had him do it. He actually gave me a lot of info I didn't know which was good. It was a little pricey but he did it on the spot and got to get some good info out of him. Just really couldn't wait until next week to finish this.

Thanks again.
Awesome, glad you were able to get it done.

Where did you go may I ask, just in case anyone else needs help.

I;m going to hold off on saying. Right now I'm having some trouble with the gun. IE it's very difficult to lock down the bolt. Which might be a headspacing issue (or a reaming issue). Trying to figure out which it is and will update when I know better or how the smith deals with it.
When you say 'lock down' do you mean lock back?

Are you using an AR-10 specific bolt catch? I think that is one of the lower parts which is not interchangeable with an AR-15.
Its a bolt action savage.

I guess I don't understand what you mean by 'lock down the bolt' then.
Lock it down when chambering or ejecting?

If you think it is a headspace issue or did not experience this issue prior to taking it to a gunsmith who over-charged you, it should be brought back to him post-haste.
When you chamber a round and then go to lock down the bolt it is extremely difficult. It is most likely one of two things right now. It is either a head spacing issue or it could be a reaming issue. I'm going to check the headspacing myself and see if it is headspaced correctly. If it is I will more than likely need to send the barrel back to the factory to be reamed as I don't want to pay for it to be done here. I am thinking it is head spacing because I am seeing shoulder contact on the rounds.
So problem was headspacing. Re-head spaced the gun tonight with the gauges and what do you know it works. Ran some ammo through it and cycled cleanly.

So the gun smith I took it to was Rust Blue gunsmithing in Natick. Would not recommend as he charged me $100 to not do his job. I would call and see what he says but there is no point now that the gun is working (plus he was a bit condescending to me when I was talking to him telling me I need to know more about my rifle and blah blah blah, but did get a little bit of good info from him), but all said and done the rifle is working I'm just out $100.
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