Hello Massachusetts Folks


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 20, 2013
Clinton, MA
Feedback: 17 / 0 / 0
I figure this is a bit overdue, but I was invited to join the board of Comm2A earlier this year.

I first got involved with Comm2A when they needed plaintiffs for their suit to legalize stun guns/tasers within the Commonwealth. I was the named plaintiff in that suit which lead to the legislature passing the rules we have today for electronic defensive weapons. (And no, I don't like where we are with them, but it is better than nothing)

We are always looking for folks to volunteer their time to support the organization, and who knows, the next board member could be you.

Please feel free to reach out for assistance, questions, or anything else.

If I leave the board, I will update this post.

Thanks for the support thus far!

Best Regards,

Chris Martel
Thanks for doing this.

We need a good team here in Massachusetts.

A good "Club Liaison" would be a great way to get Comm2A known among the gun owners, hunters, and shooters in Massachusetts. Getting the word out is important. Also, it would be a good thing for raising funds (donations). Taking this on the road would do wonders for "the cause".
Hello! I used to be an NRA member. What's a better group that's doing something for us in Mass?
FPC and NAGR are more recent arrivals in MA. FPC is currently challenging MA’s handgun roster and the AG’s handgun sales regulations (Granata v. Campbell). NAGR is challenging MA’s “assault weapon” and magazine bans (NAGR v. Campbell)
I have always supported SAF and COMM2A instead of NRA and GOAL. You have to be aware of what the organizations mission is. While lobbying legislatures on a national level may do some good I consider it to be a non starter in MA. I would prefer to spend my funds on organizations that pursue legal challenges.
I have always supported SAF and COMM2A instead of NRA and GOAL. You have to be aware of what the organizations mission is. While lobbying legislatures on a national level may do some good I consider it to be a non starter in MA. I would prefer to spend my funds on organizations that pursue legal challenges.
I look at it like this:

Can I afford another $30 a year to also support the NRA? The answer is yes. I don’t give any extra to fundraisers, but I do pay yearly dues. My kids are life members.

While the criticism of the NRA is usually valid, we need a large federal organization to make the lefttards foam at the mouth. Anything they hate that badly is worth supporting
I look at it like this:

Can I afford another $30 a year to also support the NRA? The answer is yes. I don’t give any extra to fundraisers, but I do pay yearly dues. My kids are life members.

While the criticism of the NRA is usually valid, we need a large federal organization to make the lefttards foam at the mouth. Anything they hate that badly is worth supporting
I have to belong to the NRA to keep my credentials active so I do.
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