Hey Jellyfish!


Caddyshack, anyone?
I outbid that SOB!!! I will stop at nothing to have that DVD!!! He will NOT get his filthy little bunny hands on it!!!! [laugh]
Old? You're saying I'm old? Personal attack! Mods ban him! [wink]

I'm fine actually, just working my way through packing and getting rid of junk I have acquired. Slowly but surely I am getting ready for Wednesday. Still have quite a bit to do but I've made some progress.

I see the old JellyFish is back. [rolleyes]
How dare you mock him! Bow down to his wholesome, squirrel killing godliness you heathen!!!! [angry2] [wink]

JF, I can't help but think of you every time I look out my back window at our bird feeders. Tree Rats everywhere! If I didn't leve next to a school I'd invite you out for an afternoon of target shooting!
Thanks, Man. [grin]

I know what you mean! The other day one of them - a big, fat, juicy, delicious one - was sitting on the fence outside my house. Well it just sat there as I walked across the parking lot.

I looked at him and thought "you arrogant little bastard, you're supposed to run when you see me coming by" and then I figured I'd teach him a lesson. So I started walking toward him, then slowly broke into a jog.

By this point he's wondering what the hell is going on and why is one of the hairless white apes coming near him. Finally the rotund little bastard decides it's time to run. So he starts hauling ass like Fat Albert going after candy bar, his little grey body heaving to make it to the tree before I reached him.

So up the tree he goes. But does he go WAY up like a wild squirrel? Oh no, not this one. He goes up about five feet, then comes around the side and stares right at me! And then he starts doing his little squirrel scream/hiss/scold! Clearly he was like "F*ck you JellyFish! You can't hunt me and if you walk over here I will jump down on your head and bite you!!! Stupid hairless ape loser!!!!" [angry2]

Well I'm standing there like "damn you, you little bastard! if I had a pellet gun I'd blow your fat little ass right off that tree!!!!" [laugh]

Damn city squirrels. They're safe and they know it. [crying]

JF, I can't help but think of you every time I look out my back window at our bird feeders. Tree Rats everywhere! If I didn't leve next to a school I'd invite you out for an afternoon of target shooting!
OMG! You're taking the squirrel's side??? Squirrel sympathizer!!! [wink]

How much are the squirrels paying you to harass me??? They have a very powerful lobby in Washington you know. They're pushing a bill there to ban squirrel hunting across the United States! [laugh]

[laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Jelly....I love you dearly, but you're just so not right.

[laugh] [laugh] [laugh]
Ha! Yes, come to think of it.

Incidentally, speaking of him, did I tell you I went back to where his body was not long after I whacked him? He was gone. So something found him and ate him. So my first chipmunk kill did not go to waste. Somewhere out there in Foxboro State Forest was a happy racoon, cat, dog, coyote or some other critter.

Made me feel very proud that I'd fed something in that state park. [laugh]

Somebody sent me some chipmunk recipes too. But I am somewhat intimidated by the idea of having to whack so many of them to actually have enough meat to eat. It would be much more convenient if somehow they could be grouped together and whacked with...er...I don't know...a machine gun or something? Hmmmm...no, nevermind. That would not work well. [rofl]

No, no. I'm the chipmonk sympathizer, remember? [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
When the wife and I saw it on repeats we both looked at each other and said JellyFish! (I am a long time squirrel hunter myself so I understand... ) Grin...
Thanks for sharing it, I will put it in my favorites. We squirrel hunters must stand together as people don't understand us. [laugh]

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