High Capacity confusion

Aug 10, 2005
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I have several high capacity magazines for a Ruger Ranch Rifle, traded the rifle, that I would like to sell. As a MA resident can I sell them to anyone or is my market restricted to people with a MA class A.

I received as a gift two pre ban, so I was told , 15 round magazines for my 92FS. Can I use them???? I have a MA A, ALP (plus Maine and New Hampshire CC permits).
Short answers is in MA purchaser must have a class b ltc. Do a search for more detail.

You are good to go with the pre-ban 92fs mags.
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As long as the 92fs mags are indeed pre-ban, then you are fine.

For the rifle mags, I believe you can sell them to a MA resident who has either a Class A or Class B LTC. Class B LTC lets a person purchase and possess non-large capacity handguns, non-large capacity rifles and shotguns, and large capacity rifles and shotguns and magazines for said rifles and shotguns.
its an un-enforcable law that cant be proven one way or the other in the end..imho
magazines are not serialized or dated.. so unless they plan on having them carbon dated i dont see how any law enforcement agency could ever prove the age of a high capacity feeding device..
pre ban and post ban mags are undistinguishable from one another, unless there was a signifigant change in the appearance and/or manufacturing techinique coinciding with the arbitrary cutoff date to differentiate the two periods.
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SnakeEye said:
its an un-enforcable law that cant be proven one way or the other in the end..imho
magazines are not serialized or dated.. so unless they plan on having them carbon dated i dont see how any law enforcement agency could ever prove the age of a high capacity feeding device..
pre ban and post ban mags are undistinguishable from one another, unless there was a signifigant change in the appearance and/or manufacturing techinique coinciding with the arbitrary cutoff date to differentiate the two periods.

Got any pre-ban high-cap magazines for my .40 CZ-75? How about for a Glock 34? XD-9? It's really easy to spot the MA-illegal magazines when the gun itself is new. There are some magazines that would be truly indistinguishable between pre-ban and after-sunsetting versions; there are lot more that will easily and irrefutably get your ass nailed.

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FPrice said:
The second part of this statement is partially wrong.

The following thread may help explain some of the source of the problems and confusion we face on this whole issue (although not the date issue).


this thread just seems to support the second half of my original post.
Glock mags indeed do have a difference in their manufacturing process post the ban date which makes the identifiable.
But others , like for instance P99 mags all look the same, have the same spring, same followers,same floor plate, same stampings, and unless their law enforcement marked, have no other distinguishing features to flag them as either pre or post ban..
if a manufacturer hasnt retooled in 10-15 years then there isnt much to go by.
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