Highpower CMP Clinic

Knob Creek

NES Member
Oct 9, 2007
South Coast Mass
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I went to a Clinic at Reading years ago for CMP or Service Rifle competition. Someone asked me if they are still doing them or if another club is doing one to get new shooters involved in CMP.
Pre-Covid, BR&P ran CMP matches each month on the 3rd Saturday. Ross Estabrooks runs them and his Email can be found on the club webpage. CMP Program

You do not have to be a club member to shoot in the BR&P CMP matches.
I went to a Clinic at Reading years ago for CMP or Service Rifle competition. Someone asked me if they are still doing them or if another club is doing one to get new shooters involved in CMP.
Don't know the answer to your question but Reading does still have a very active high power program. Charlie would be the person to talk to, there's contact info on the website.
Riverside rod and gun used to run a clinic, they might still.

I highly recommend going to a CMP clinic if you've never shot a service rifle match. They're fun and you'll learn a lot of good stuff.

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