History Channel Tales of the Gun

Mar 14, 2006
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I just saw an ad on the History Channel that the entire collection of Tales of the Gun is available for purchase. I thought that might be of interest to some here. Visit their website. Didn't give a price so I expect it's pretty expensive, most of their shows are.
Its outrageously priced but they did have a sale on the collection a while back during the hollidays that seemed a little more fair.
Months back it was $800. Right now $479.04.

WOW!!! I can't believe anyone pays that much considering an entire season of various popular shows only run between $29-$49.

I think it's 31 shows which is about the equivalent of a season and a half.

They never learned basic economics I guess where more sales at a lower price equals more profit. They are banking on a few people for all the profit.
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