Honing a shotgun barrel?

Waste of time.

Clean your bore after shooting. A real cleaning, not a quickie with a boresnake. Then lightly oil it.

I have never had a shotgun rust on me, and some of them have been ridden hard and put away wet.
I used shot gun mops and brushes for years. Problem was during hunting season they would get dirty, need to buy a new one. But, it can always wait till next season, not really. I bought an Otis cleaning system 15 years ago and will never buy another mop again. The Otis has a rubber washers for lack of a better term (12 & 20ga) that uses the same cable and patches as I use for rifles. It cleans and oils in 2 patches. It basicly Squegees the barrel clean. No more brushes, no more mops. Bore looks like a mirror.
I have, when I ended up with a Mossberg barrel that had visible machine marks in the barrel, enough that it loaded up with plastic in a couple shots. The flex hone worked exactly as advertised - keep it moving, keep it wet, easy home project.

That said, it made no discernable difference in the other barrels I tried where there weren't visible machine marks or rapid fouling. I tried the hone, it looked pretty, but no performance changes. If you don't have a fouling problem I wouldn't bother.

I'd offer to sell it to you, but I believe I traded it for some Winchester AA.....
Apologies for the Thread Resurrection.

Another happy flex hone customer here. I just ran their finest grit one (800) it through the bore of a 70's Miroku trap gun. The barrel was dull in several spots, and had many visible scratches. After couple runs with the flex hone most scratches were removed and that thing is a freakin' mirror. This is definitely a product that works as advertised.
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