Hopkinton Sportsmans Club 200 Yard Range Question

Aug 12, 2010
Breathing Free Air in Pennsylvania
Feedback: 14 / 0 / 0
I am thinking of joining a second club and was on the Hopkinton Sportsmen Club web site, but could not find the answer to this question.

Are there any restriction on what you can shoot at the 200 yard range (once you are qualified for it?) Can you shoot in line Muzzle loaders or rifle caliber pistols?

Any other clubs in area where you can shoot front loaders at 200 yards?
No restrictions on caliber, but there is a "no guests shoot on the 200" policy due to the requirement that anyone shooting the 200 get qualified. The club makes getting an appointment for qualification very easy, and has been absolutely consistent in the procedures (the club president and known high level rifle shooters did not get to skip the qualification).

I don't think the rifle caliber pistol question has been addressed. Convince the qualification triumvirate (Wes/Marty/Bob) you can do it safely and I doubt you will have any problems beyond "let me try that".

To give you an idea how easy qualification is, I passed it on the first try.
The only issue I can think of is being able to hit the target area without striking the overhead baffle we installed to prevent rounds going over the berm. If the rounds in question have a flat enough trajectory, there shouldn't be a problem.
I've too have my 200 yard qaul there. Very straight forward, if you belong on the 200 you'll pass with no problem. Great club, great people. Cept that dang XO we got <G> [laugh2]
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