The hours are 24/7 but it's a club and the officers are all volunteers. Email them or call and set something up, they will get back to you.
24/7 means members get their own card key, but the building is vacant most of the day. Calls are returned, plus I PM'ed you the president's phone number. He's retired, so he spends his time showing people around the club and making sure the condensate drain tube from the furnace doesn't freeze up.
I work less than a mile from the club (3 miles by car), so I can arrange to meet you there.
The 5 roudn rule is for the indoor range only and is a hold over from the old NRA pistol rules etc. The current pres is working on the board to get that changed. They're also constructing an outdoor pistol pit and my understanding is the 5 round rule will not apply there.
The pres is a USPSA/IPSC shooter, and working to change this. The club also has issued exemptions to this rule to people who shoot in disciplines that need to fully load.
We actually had the rule gone at one point, but there was an incident where excessive noise (!!!) bothered a function upstairs, so it was changed back to "exemption by request". There are rare occasions (classes, rentals) when the indoor range is closed, but this function had not arranged for some "range closed time", so the rate of fire caused some wailing and gnashing of teeth.
I am confident the club president will be working to change this as he is not in the habit of downloading his 38 super.
The new ranges are not yet done (may have to wait to spring) but, when they are done, new rules will be needed from scratch. I'd wager a green membership that there won't be a 5 round limit on the new pistol ranges.
All in all, the BS factor, and "gotcha" approach to range safety, is very low to non-existent at this club. People will speak to any person acting in an unsafe manner, but not in an oppressive or negative manner.