I went to go pick some hp carry rounds today and all the store had was the Zombie MAX rounds. It looks like they are the same as the Critical Defence but with a green tip. They seem like they would be great for a carry round.... except for the zombie name. I cant imagin that not coming up in court, in the unlikly event I had use it for sd. With that said, I dont really understand the goal. To expensive for practice, to Zombie for carry. Hornady FAIL.
On a side note are there issues with bullet set back in 9mm? I get worried about my carry rounds every month and get new ones. I do carry condition 1 all day, then carry condition three at home. So the top two rounds get cycled all the time?
On a side note are there issues with bullet set back in 9mm? I get worried about my carry rounds every month and get new ones. I do carry condition 1 all day, then carry condition three at home. So the top two rounds get cycled all the time?