Hot Tents

@andyhas a nice one, I generally will rely on a tarp or snow shelter if there is enough snow but as I get older I am looking to get a hexmid with stove jack.
this is what I have been looking at
I've heard good things about those. The Hercules looks nice because it's free-standing. I've also been looking at walled tents because they provide more usable space in case I want to spend the weekend with the kids or set it up on the lake for a few days. I'm going to poke around on Faceplant and see if I can find a winter camping group in NH to steal some knowledge.
What sort of winter camping? Just outside when it's freezing/cold out? Or on the side of a hill in the whites with wind/snow/etc while hiking?
A few friends and I do a winter off road trip in Maine every November. Been doing it for about seven years now. We’ve had all kinds of weather between freezing rain and a few feet of snow.

The wife and I also used to camp for Christmas, but she hates the cold and even with a heater she put her foot down and said
no more after a couple night at 7*.

We use a Mr Buddy heater, and it works real well. Just keep a CO detector in the tent and you’re good.

We’ve also figured out that the green one pound cans suck. We use a adapter/extension hose to a 5lb tank and have no issues with flow of propane. On the one pound cans they tend to freeze up.

If you look in the camping pics thread, there a few pics of my Al season wall tent that we use.
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