How to change the minds of 10 turncoat RINOs. Ideas?

Mar 12, 2007
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Every progressive newspaper is bleating how 10 RINOs are going to support gun control after that nut job shot up a school.

Every one of us knows that if the Republicans cave, and agree to this, the ink won't even be dry before the Marxists start demanding more.

I haven't seen anything from GOAL or the NRA about fighting this.

Not Recommending marching, anything that even hints of violence, intimidation or threat. I'm talking about 80 million gun owners sending postcards to their legislators, Or making a calm, polite, respectful phone call, indicating that a "YES" vote will result in legal, non-violent efforts to remove them from office.

I am concerned that the RINOs will agree to gun control to show that they are doing something, and it will be another restriction piled on top of the many that have been implemented in the past.
or the NRA about fighting this.
didn't the nra just release a statement saying they will wait until the bill is written and published before they react. i took it to mean they just don't want to fly blind at this point because there is nothing written to attack. i realize we're hating on them at the moment, but it sounds like a solid tact so as not to come off as irrational.
Every progressive newspaper is bleating how 10 RINOs are going to support gun control after that nut job shot up a school.

Every one of us knows that if the Republicans cave, and agree to this, the ink won't even be dry before the Marxists start demanding more.

I haven't seen anything from GOAL or the NRA about fighting this.

Not Recommending marching, anything that even hints of violence, intimidation or threat. I'm talking about 80 million gun owners sending postcards to their legislators, Or making a calm, polite, respectful phone call, indicating that a "YES" vote will result in legal, non-violent efforts to remove them from office.

I am concerned that the RINOs will agree to gun control to show that they are doing something, and it will be another restriction piled on top of the many that have been implemented in the past.
FWIW I emailed the NRSC (National Repub Senate Committee) who fund raise and said if this goes through I will never give them a single dollar more as long as I live - only ever supporting individual pro 2A senators.

Worth trying - the RINOs already abandoned us - maybe they’ll listen to financial pressure to the leadership?

didn't the nra just release a statement saying they will wait until the bill is written and published before they react. i took it to mean they just don't want to fly blind at this point because there is nothing written to attack. i realize we're hating on them at the moment, but it sounds like a solid tact so as not to come off as irrational.
Not sure. Didn't see anything as of yet.
who was the guy in NYS that was running for something recently, he went anti 2A, the party and a bunch of others pulled all support and he had to drop out of the race.

found it, Chris Jacobs ....

Want to get them in line with the party platform, drop all support and run people against them
didn't the nra just release a statement saying they will wait until the bill is written and published before they react. i took it to mean they just don't want to fly blind at this point because there is nothing written to attack. i realize we're hating on them at the moment, but it sounds like a solid tact so as not to come off as irrational.

Not sure. Didn't see anything as of yet.

They did. Unfortunately it's still only a small part of what the media is reporting.

Does somebody have an email template I can use to send a (not too) strongly worded message to my elected officials? Things are looking dire and I’m ready to take a bold stand in defense of my rights. Yeah I’ll get a form email back in response but every voice matters and every vote counts, and I’ll probably sleep much better at night knowing that I did my part.
Does somebody have an email template I can use to send a (not too) strongly worded message to my elected officials? Things are looking dire and I’m ready to take a bold stand in defense of my rights. Yeah I’ll get a form email back in response but every voice matters and every vote counts, and I’ll probably sleep much better at night knowing that I did my part.
I don't but I wrote a stern email to my Senator (Roy Blunt) here Missouri last winter about a RINO vote he made. I was hearing from him every couple of weeks up until that email. I haven't heard from him since. I heard later that he's not running again for his seat. I guess he's just pissing off too many Conservative MIssourians. I have heard that his support has dropped like a boulder in water. His reasons are different, need to spend time with family yada, yada, yada...
Look at how the left has been (ahem) "advocating for change" and look what it's gotten them. Then look at the peaceful way the right goes about it and look at where we are.

There are no peaceful solutions to this. You can send all the letters in the world and make all the phone calls you want. In the end you're more likely to get charged with some form of harassment for doimg so before you can get them to change their minds
it would be a two part campaign, bribe them do our bidding now, then vote them out in favor of someone who actually supports our views.
The ballot box no longer works:

Nor the jury box:
Interesting that the sign nailed to the post says loosely (in English) "Photographs Forbidden".
Soviets hanging...
Yep. People couldn't follow rules back then either. We're doomed...

EDIT: And by "rules" I mean, "Do unto others..."
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