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Hey all,

I have a 300AAC 8.5" AR, so I'm familiar with the NFA process. My question was RE SBRing an Evo Scorpion. I'm thinking of selling/returning to eotech my EXPS3-0 and FTS G33 magnifier which stickers about the same price as I could get into the CZ SBR game less tax stamp. I would then just go to a vortex red dot on these guys as they would be toys (zombie gun has the ACOG).

I think normally I would buy a the CZ pistol form1 it, then buy the folding stock/922R kit for 200 bucks and slap it on there when I got my paperwork back. The problem is I obviously cannot be trusted with the evil CZ pistol in Commiechusetts.

Healey's craziness aside, there shouldn't be any reason an FFL with an SOT couldn't take delivery of a CZ pistol, "SBR" it with the 922R kit, and then form4 it to me or a trust, right? I suppose I could also find a shop to xfer a receiver to me, and I could build it into a rifle once I got my Form1, correct?


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