How to write to a soldier in BCT?

Feb 22, 2008
Western Mass
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Well, Dan has been at Fort Jackson since Monday and today he texted his GF [thinking] with his address. We'll here from him by and by, I reckon.

She gave us the following address information:

Co. C, 3rd Bn Base 13th Infantry Regt PH#2
193rd Infantry Brigade
5385 Jackson Blvd
Fort Jackson, SC 29207-6100
(underlines required)

The Fort Jackson Website says that mail to 3-13 should be addressed like this:

Co, 3rd Bn, 13th Inf Regt
5385 Jackson Blvd USABCTCoE
Fort Jackson, SC 29207-6110

And then there's another place on the Ft. Jackson website that has a different version:


What does it all mean?
A close friend of mine recently went through BCT at Ft. Leonard Wood, and the address I used to write to her looks much like the one in the picture. Honestly, what's important is the name, the unit, and the base. I've never seen a military address that included a Boulevard, Street, Road, or anything like that. The USPS delivers it to the base, and the mail clerks sort it by unit from there, at least that's been my experience.
A close friend of mine recently went through BCT at Ft. Leonard Wood, and the address I used to write to her looks much like the one in the picture. Honestly, what's important is the name, the unit, and the base. I've never seen a military address that included a Boulevard, Street, Road, or anything like that. The USPS delivers it to the base, and the mail clerks sort it by unit from there, at least that's been my experience.

I thought so too. I assume he would carry the rank of PVT for address purposes?
You'll get a letter from his commander stating that he has arrived.
Usually the info needed is...
Rank, name
unit info
base, state and zip
The info will be in the letter you get from his commander once he is in his actually training company.
The Ft. Jackson website sucks. It's all Flash driven and half the links don't work. Supposed to be able to get info on individual groups down to platoon level, but I get pages that look they they should scroll down, and then dead end.

Flash ... [thinking] I'm pissed just looking at that lame-ass website.
I thought so too. I assume he would carry the rank of PVT for address purposes?

make sure you write the wrong rank on his envelopes to get him into some trouble with the drill sergeants.

"SDS_(Name)" and "DS_(Name)" will most likely get him into the most trouble, as they mean Senior Drill Sergeant and Drill Sergeant.

"COL", "CSM", and "LTC" will also get some entertainment [rofl]
make sure you write the wrong rank on his envelopes to get him into some trouble with the drill sergeants.

"SDS_(Name)" and "DS_(Name)" will most likely get him into the most trouble, as they mean Senior Drill Sergeant and Drill Sergeant.

"COL", "CSM", and "LTC" will also get some entertainment [rofl]

Spray with perfume also, and be sure to send care packages with cookies and such.[wink][laugh]
Short answer: there's a company mail room, so no need for Platoon.

And best of luck to him. Even at Camp Jackson there's not much fun about the first few days.
the more info on the address, the quicker it will get there.

especially if you have a common last name like "smith" or "johnson" [laugh]

and Dench is right, if you put a higher rank on there, they will make him do push ups (i think)

hell, we had to do push ups for every letter we got when i was there (1995) -not sure if it's true nowdays [rofl]
Should I also dot my "i"s with little hearts?

That would certainly ensure he get's trained right. My recommendation is to use LCpl as his rank, and right "Aim High" on the back of the envelope. The extra attention will be very beneficial.
That would certainly ensure he get's trained right. My recommendation is to use LCpl as his rank, and right "Aim High" on the back of the envelope. The extra attention will be very beneficial.

This information has been very helpful. Thank you! My son will be so happy when he receives his package of Hershey's Kisses and the "Army Man" Teddy Bear!

Letters from BCT - First Teargas

The first letter home was a little ... tentative. Encouraging, but uncertain. Didn't want to read too much into it as the letter was postmarked just 9 days after my son's arrival at Fort Jackson, by which point he related that "my arms are freakin' HUGE".

I got the second and third letters today. My youngest son and I didn't even wait until we left the Post Office to read them.

This excerpt defines the meaning of "tragicomic", better even than these:

- manifesting both tragic and comic aspects; "the tragicomic disparity...between's man's aspirations and his accomplishments"- B.R.Redman

- having pathetic as well as ludicrous characteristics; "her life...presented itself to me as a tragicomical adventure" - Joseph Conrad

Here's what my soldier wrote:

"... and a few days ago we faced the gas chamber. Now that one REALLY sucked huge balls.

We had to line up outside of this cabin in the woods that we had to ruck march 5 miles just to reach and put on our gas masks. Our masks were only checked once by an instructor and even then he wasn't very thorough. And of course we're the second platoon to go inside so we get to see the first guys come out puking and dropping snot everywhere. That was fun.

<snip> more hilarity ensues </snip>

On the way out, once they had opened the door that is, everyone tried to leave at the same time. This must have been funny to see, 60 soldiers all run out, blind, incoherent and desperate for some fresh air.

I came up against something big and soft at the exit and figured that one of my platoon mates was being a dick and blocking the exit, so I pushed. The ass pushed back so I shoved the bastard with everything I had so I could get out. Turns out I had just pushed a drill sergeant over a fence and onto the ground.

But it was OK, they said I was "disoriented". Yeah. That's what it was."

Oh such fond memories, and I am sure your son paid dearly for pushing that DI over.[laugh][laugh] I don't think the Army is that much more of a kinder, gentler Army.[laugh][laugh][rofl]
News from the rifle range

Received today:

So I found out that any [expletive deleted] out to about 250 meters from me don't stand a chance. [grin] We were supposed to aim center mass and get body shots but my dumb ass decided that head shots were way cooler so that's what I did. My Drill Sargeant told me he was very impressed only after smoking the shit out of me ... yeah, the compliment was worth it. From a knee I can group 10 rounds in a 3 inch diameter over a target's heart at 75 meters. Now that was freakin' cool! One Sargeant was watching and goes "Holy shit, now that's a tight grouping". He made me do it three more times to make sure it wasn't a fluke. The bastard.

Yeah, he put the smily in the text.

Like father, like son.


Oh, and he also found out that they're only "legally required" to give the recruits 4 hours of sleep. And they'll do it. And he also says the southern states aren't as warm as a northerner might think. Especially at night.
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