A new year is coming and it is again time for the Club Elections. This year I am running for the position of Vice-President. I feel that my past experience and my contributions to the club make me a very good candidate for that position.
I am a Detective for the town of Harvard. I have been a project coordinator for a Multi-Jurisdictional drug/narcotic taskforce, 20 year GM Certified Master Technician, 3 years in the US Army, and a Vietnam Vet. I have previously served on the HSC Board of Directors for 6 years.
This last year I was appointed the chairperson for the Action Shooting area. Part of my responsibilities were maintenance of the Action Shooting area and overseeing many new projects. There were numerous projects in 2010 including reconstruction of the berms, constant repair of the plate rack area, installation of a 200 amp electrical service into the Action Shooting area, and an update of the IPSC, IDPA and SASS (Cowboy) storage trailers with placement of a new trailer/office that all groups will use during event registrations. Over 200 hours of volunteer time was need to accomplish these projects and I am extremely pleased with the outcome and the improvements to the Action Shooting area. These improvements will enhance many HSC activities in the years to come.
For the past 5 years I have been on the Grounds Committee serving as a Project Manager and worker for many of the major projects such as the new gate system, the water softener, the purchase of the new tractor, the construction of the 65 yard range, and some of the grounds work in the Cowboy pits. I have been a 5 year president of the USPSA group including serving as Match Director and Chief Range Officer for the USPSA Area 7 Championships. I was involved with the construction of the Garage and most of the Action Pit shelters including the concrete pads. I was Project Manager for the culverts at the 100 Yard range, the Boy Scout area and the Shotgun area.
I am active in most of the shooting disciplines at the club including USPSA, IDPA, shotgun, bullseye, rifle (200/300), blackpowder, and some Class 3. I am a member of the NRA and hold both a Mass. LTC and a “green card” to possess fully-automatic firearms (MPTC Instructor). I am a firearms instructor certified by the NRA for pistol, rifle, and shotgun. I am also certified with MCJC, MLEFI& AA, FBI, S&W and IPSC (CRO).
In my 20-plus years of being a HSC member I have seen the club grow from a membership of 150 members to well over 1200 members. This means that we must be doing something right. I feel that to keep HSC growing strong we need more reasonable leadership that will give to the club more than 2 or 3 hours of their time each month. To maintain good leadership the club needs a leader that will give the time needed to the club. A good leader leads by example. We can’t ask the membership to volunteer their time to help improve the club if we don’t do it ourselves.
I can always be reached by phone, e-mail, or best, in person. I am always hanging around the club, WORKING FOR THE CLUB.
Keep your eye on the front sight and your finger off the trigger.
Hope to see you soon at OUR! HSC Club
Gregory A Newman