I Have Succumbed to the Dark Side...

May 26, 2005
northeast MA
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I finally own a Glock...

After years and years of resisting, I finally found a Glock I like. First off, I have to blame drgrant here... I had a chance to pick up a G19 from a buddy who moved to FLA a few years ago, and when I shot the G19 I hated it. Put me off Glocks for a while.

But I shot drgrant's 10mm (G29?) at the Pumpkin shoot last year and it was great, so I decided to give Glocks one more chance.

But which one? Well, a full- or mid- sized 9mm or .40 S&W was right out, as I can get a brand new S&W M&P for less money than a well-used G17/19/22/23 in MA. Plus I've been looking for a non-1911 .45 ACP pistol for some time now, debating between the M&P45 (if it's ever approved) and the Sig P220 (which I still may get).

When all of a sudden, this appeared in the classifieds:


That's a G30, the subcompact, double-stack .45 ACP Glock. With the finger extension on the 10-round magazine, it's a full-sized grip with 10+1 capacity; with the 9-round magazine it leaves my pinkie hanging out but conceals better.

And it's a .45!


Yes, .45 ACP. Dispatching goblins and Moro warriors since 1905...

Everyone calls Glocks "Tupperware" guns, so I figured we needed a comparison:



One of the really neat things about the G30, though, is that it fits in 4 out of 5 holsters I already own for my SW99 compact - including the Crossbreed Supertuck! Life is good.

Now I need to take it to the range and break it in...
Awesome! Those are the guns that can go through airport security!

Seriously have fun and shoot what you like. Just make sure you can duck fast.[smile]
Jay... grats on the new toy. You picked a good one. I have a G30 on my "need to buy" list.


I've been carrying a G27 as a backup to the Sig 2340. We're looking at switching to the M&P45, so I've been looking at backups. So far, that G30 tops my list!

I'm also incredibly pleased to be getting away from 40. That damn brass does a great job getting stuck in 45 cases in the tumbler, or having 9mm stuck in it in the tumbler, or being the bridge to hold all 3 together.

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