My OPINION is the same as Joe T's. Just an opinion, but when researching local clubs I went down to see what was what. The 'vibe' I got, if I can put it into words, was something along the line of -we have plenty of current members, new members isn't our focus. Plenty of great members there, I'm sure. I'm not trying to start a "who's club is better", but I joined another local organization that made me feel like my time, effort, and cash were important to them.
3 mandatory meetings in 6 months, 8 mandatory work hours, on top of $175 first year application (from what I read) seemed alot to me.
I'm in your shop regularly, both you guys are great, hopefully you can get something good going. Bottom line recruitment of new members, families etc. needs some work. Haven't seen/used the facilities. Never made it further than a quick tour.