I really hate bullshitting Posers!


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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Sitting on the patio of my favorite bar today.

A couple sat down next to me, I would guess they were in their sixties, and we started a nice conversation.

She told me she really admired my Bolo Tie, said she grew up an Air Force brat. Also noticed my miniature CIB on my hat.

In an hour of conversation, her husband mentioned the following:
He was a Ranger
He went to Airborne school
He went to Air Assault school
He went to Jungle school in Panama
He served in the Middle East
He served in Thailand
He was stationed in Germany
He was a Generals driver at Fort Campbell
He was a Pathfinder
He got out of the Army in 1986

Before I left I asked him how many years he was in, and he told me he was only in for two years!


Then he mentioned that he only signed up for two years because he planned on going back to school. Also mentioned that he got an appointment to West Point, but turned it down!

It was then I said, "Oh, just like Joe Biden, huh?"

He didn't get it, but his wife sure did by the look on her face.

I really wanted to stay and call him out on his bullshit, but his wife was damned cute and I didn't want to ruin her day.....so I just walked away in disgust!
Did he tell you where he went to basic? I asked a contractor about basic when he went on about his exploits. Said he washed out before graduation. Couldn't remember where he trained. I outed him right there and a bunch of others watched it go down. His boss said just drop it. Lost all respect for them both.
Based on that guys resume, I am a trained helicopter pilot for taking the pilot aptitude test in the early 80s (I think that's what it was called)....failed the test BTW
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