I woke up this morning....

Jan 18, 2009
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I woke up this morning and rolled over. There she was, as beautiful as the day I was introduced to her, my S&W 4003. On the other side of my bed is my beautiful wife and her pink lady .38 spl. I have to laugh at peoples faces when they find out that both me and my wife have nightstand pistols. I cant be the only one out here that likes to feel protected at night. Anybody else like a little night time protection?
I woke up this morning and rolled over. There she was, as beautiful as the day I was introduced to her, my S&W 4003. On the other side of my bed is my beautiful wife and her pink lady .38 spl. I have to laugh at peoples faces when they find out that both me and my wife have nightstand pistols. I cant be the only one out here that likes to feel protected at night. Anybody else like a little night time protection?

We all do, but not all of us can do it legally.
My X would have dreams about me cheating on her and wake up super pissed at me,I never understood this.The last thing I would do is have a pistol within easy reach for her,she would probably wake up and shoot me in the head for something I did in her dreams.
well when i first got my shotgun, i slept with it for a few weeks....in bed. then i replaced it with the glock 23 with my xiphos tactical light. I seem to go through a lot of batteries cause i use it as a flashlight if i hear something in the house or dont want to get up to turn the light on.
First good thing....you woke up this morning [grin]

Now, hopefully, for all the mornings you are intended to wake up, it will not be as result of having to use that S&W!
I used to have a shotgun beside the bed, but I decided to move it because my wife didn't like the idea of me shooting over the bed with her in it ( what a baby ... jk[smile]) but now she watches the door nd I have the windows, and if the sound is from the other room we both go out .... kinda like a naked swat team [rofl] I guess if nothing else we'd scard them out.
Waking up

It's always a thrill to wake up in the morning............as you reach my semi-advanced age, the thrill increases.

Although my wife thinks I'm nuts, I keep my Glock close by but feel very safe with my four-legged East German Shepherd patrolling the house interior during the night. I just hope they don't have a bone or some sort of treat when they come in because I'll then be screwed.
I used to have a shotgun beside the bed, but I decided to move it because my wife didn't like the idea of me shooting over the bed with her in it (
Which is worse - the idea she has that you'd use her for cover, or the fact that she is correct in that assumption?[laugh]

Here's a more entertaining question for the night stand ninja:

Do, you wear (or take the time to put on) pajamas in which you'd be ok to give a police report afterwords, or do you investigate the things that go bump in the night in "full monty" mode assuming the surprise factor will gain you precious trigger pulling milliseconds?[rofl]

Seems to me the shortest legal shotgun with a mounted laser and flashlight are the way to go for home defense... Everything else requires better shot placement in the dark (and/or giving away your position with a light).
Seems to me the shortest legal shotgun with a mounted laser and flashlight are the way to go for home defense... Everything else requires better shot placement in the dark (and/or giving away your position with a light).

Grin, am no "shrinking violet" and would have no problem confronting an intruder while balls ass naked. Who cares? The intruder? In that situation, are you going to let "modesty" be the determining factor?

What to keep, and what to use, will be a topic for endless discussion. For myself, I just feel very comfortable with a 4" Mountain Gun in .45LC. Not on the nightstand, not under the pillow, but within "easy reach".

Don't care if its totally "pitch black"...which is almost never. In any home invasion/confrontation, what are "average" distances involved? Five feet? Ten feet? Perhaps fifteen feet at most...unless you live in a mansion? Unless you do not know your weapon at all, you WILL hit the intruder, despite any adrenaline rush.
Grin, am no "shrinking violet" and would have no problem confronting an intruder while balls ass naked. Who cares? The intruder? In that situation, are you going to let "modesty" be the determining factor?
No, just a question of preparedness (and mostly in jest at that)...[wink]
I keep my XD in the night stand drawer at night. I asked the wife if I could keep it in the pillow case like Tackleberry in Police Academy (4?), but I got one of those looks...
My home was broken into at night about 8 years ago. We didn't know till the little lady got up and went downstairs to make the coffee. She quickly came back upstairs and told me as the place was a mess. I grabbed my trusty H&K USP .40 out of the dresser drawer and first called the police then went and checked things out.

The crook was gone. The police officer came about 2 minutes after I called. He checked the basement for me and everything was clear. I had the H&K on the kitchen table and he asked to look at it while making out the report. "Nice H&K" he said as he handed it back to me.

BTW they got the crook and he did a full 7 years for B&E in the nighttime, larceny over $250.
I keep my XD in the night stand drawer at night. I asked the wife if I could keep it in the pillow case like Tackleberry in Police Academy (4?), but I got one of those looks...

Got to say, my wife has none of these hangups. I could have pieces all over the house in various stages of cleaning and she could care less. Does not faze her in the least. She is used to it by now.

She has lately asked me to start training her with marksmanship in both rifle and revolver. Pistol out of the question...Arthritis in the fingers. Think I demurred? [grin]

She is definitely coming along, wants to learn, takes it very seriously, and gets pissed with herself when she cannot keep a sub 3" group at 50 feet with a .22 rifle.....that's the piece I started her with. Not "match" quality by any means, but she gets better as she progresses, and am thrilled she has shown this interest.

Next up....686 using .38 Spcl. to get her used to revolvers. By next fall, I think she will be able to handle the .357 loads. Grin, at least that's my intention. [wink]
Same answer even if you sleep during the day. Don't sleep at all? Try Sominex. [grin][grin]

If you are that worried - have you tried a larger caliber?


Does one really need to go larger than .45 in an Auto?
I lie awake and ponder what "new direction" our country is headed[wink] JK!
I actually work midnights and do most of my sleeping in the morning to early afternoon

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