in the Bangor Daily News - Trigger locks bill debated



the bill comes from students, led by an anti dem representative in "northern Massachussetts" aka Portland, ME

some quotes that I like

But committee members peppered the pupils with questions about the source of their data. Several of the lawmakers suggested the information from some advocacy groups was suspect."

"When you drafted this, were you aware that many of these handguns are stored in gun safes?" asked Rep. Anne Haskell, D-Portland. Schwartz said they were aware of that fact but did not see the use of safes and trigger locks as mutually exclusive. "It just makes it even safer," he said.

Rep. Joseph Tibbetts, R-Columbia, a retired Washington County sheriff, asked all of the pupils if they had taken any of the recognized gun safety courses that are offered by several groups. None of them had taken a course.

gives me a good feeling about most of the Maine politicians having their intelligence intact. and asking "common sense" questions
I wonder how many of these "midle school" student's parents are members of an anti-gun group? There is no way they came up with this one and "drafted" the legislation on their own! Did Tom Riley move to Maine?
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