Inexpensive club/range for target shooting in NW CT

Jul 11, 2010
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I'm looking for a place to do target shooting and/or plinking in NW CT. Tactical Arms charges $26/hr plus another $13/hr if I bring a date. The store really confuses me because the shelves are all empty and there is not a good selection of guns including used guns. It may cater to the LE community but I did take my pistol permit class there. Does anyone belong to a reasonable club where I can go shoot on a moments notice that doesn't cost a small fortune? Is there an area we can legally shoot outdoors? Any help would be appreciated. I am new to the NE and need a place to practice. Also, anyone know of a good league or bowling pin shoot that is not halfway across the state? Thanks.
That looks like what I am looking for but how does it work with CT residents? Would I need a non-resident permit? I may be able to go to an organized shoot without one but what about just going to the range? Thanks for your reply!
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