Info for a High-schooler


NES Member
Jul 28, 2009
On the 16 yard line, shootin' for the Lewis!
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0

MisterHappyJr is involved in a slam-fest WRT 2A with his American History teacher.

He's doing well, but the question of NFA (specifically FA items) came up; specifically, privately-owned FA items.

The teacher asked him to provide cites for the law(s) that "Allow you to have machine guns" - the point that laws generally prohibit, not permit is not relevant - teach wans MHJ to prove his case.

Any quick links or factoids will help. He's bringing in the local LTC/FID/MG app.....though it will likely still not be enough for the teacher.

Thanks, brain trust. this is almost as easy as an NES spotlight shining in the sky! [laugh]
The fact that the NFA is a TAX - i.e. a way to weasel in a restriction circumventing the Constitution - should be useful.
So it'll be awesome when Jr shows him otherwise, and he eats crow

Sometime after 1986, I remember reading the number of transferable MG's was in the vicinity of 186,000
is the teachers head going to explode when he finds out people can legally own tanks and jets if they have enough cash to throw around? Should also have the guy watch a few video's from the Knob Creek MG shoot. [laugh]
Photocopies of a few "green cards" should do it. Along with a copy of the laws. Jack.


You could ask your associates for redacted copies of green cards. Just cover up the identifying info.

Not very practical but makes the point.

You'll have 20 green cards in no time.
I'm curious to know. In a zero tolerance world, do history books contain pictures of men carrying guns?

Take this as a serious suggestion (as it illustrates the absurdity of ZT):

We find a non-gun owner (so they can't have retaliatory action taken against them) and have them make a formal complaint to the school department, via a lawyer.

The complaint should point out the school's ZT policy and demand that ALL history books have any imagery or reference to guns be redacted.

The only possible failing is if the idiots actually comply...
I'm curious to know. In a zero tolerance world, do history books contain pictures of men carrying guns?

Take this as a serious suggestion (as it illustrates the absurdity of ZT):

We find a non-gun owner (so they can't have retaliatory action taken against them) and have them make a formal complaint to the school department, via a lawyer.

The complaint should point out the school's ZT policy and demand that ALL history books have any imagery or reference to guns be redacted.

The only possible failing is if the idiots actually comply...

I just posted in that school bus thread; you can go there and see what I wrote, but it amounts to:

I'm a history teacher, I mention guns all the time, my textbook has guns all through it, I show films and powerpoints with guns, and my kids (all born and raised in liberal eastern MA) have never had a problem with any of it. Nor have their parents, nor my administrators, nor my school committee. My guess is that 99% of the state's history teachers would tell you the same; they're just not the ones you hear about.

I've noticed that where public education is concerned, lots of folks on these forums tend to generalize from very little data. Don't be offended by that; I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm sure there are plenty of bad, anti-2A teachers and principals out there who are awful. But I've worked in this field for many years, with many colleagues and a couple thousand students (and their parents), and I've never seen any of that.
This would appear to be the relvant legislation, whatever it means...
(o) No person shall be issued a license to carry or possess a machine gun in the commonwealth, except that a licensing authority or the colonel of state police may issue a machine gun license to:

(i) a firearm instructor certified by the municipal police training committee for the sole purpose of firearm instruction to police personnel;
(ii) a bona fide collector of firearms upon application or upon application for renewal of such license.
I give the teacher credit for challenging your son and giving him a chance to make his point. We all know the teacher is wrong. But at least in this case the teacher left the door open to further discussion and debate.

FYI I find that most people in these parts don't realize that machine guns are legal to own, with the proper license, approved transfer and tax stamp. In fact I imagine it is a prevalent opinion.
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