JC Higgins bolt action shotgun parts

Oct 16, 2008
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this is probably a long shot, but does anyone have, or know where to find, parts to old JC Higgins guns? i have a 16ga bolt action shotgun that was my grandpas. i just cleaned it and when putting it back together, i broke the head off the bolt stop screw and cant find another.
Just buy another one and use it for that part and any you might need in the future.

That's a goos idea - I needed a bolt carrier for a Winchester shotgun, and I picked up a complete gun for just a bit more than the part! [laugh]

If Numrich doesn't pan out, do a search on gunbroker....
That's a goos idea - I needed a bolt carrier for a Winchester shotgun, and I picked up a complete gun for just a bit more than the part! [laugh]

If Numrich doesn't pan out, do a search on gunbroker....

These things go for like $50 at most shops ($60 if its never been fired [laugh]) Not a whole lot of $$$ for a complete set of spare parts.

I must say, I do love mine though.
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