JetBlue pilot Jeremy Gudorf shoots himself in front of horrified rush hour crowd at Boston train station

TLDR version
Outstanding warrant from NC for exposing himself to a minor.
MSP were approaching his car to collect him on said warrant.
He chose option B.
Hmm, inquiring minds want to know:

How long ago was said warrant issued?

Has he been flying with an outstanding warrant?

Does MSP have jurisdiction to execute warrants issued by NC?
Hmm, inquiring minds want to know:

How long ago was said warrant issued?

Has he been flying with an outstanding warrant?

Does MSP have jurisdiction to execute warrants issued by NC?
I skimmed an article about this. He was already suspended from Jet Blue. Looks like he was trying to fly out of the country.
As if the T needs another reason for the trains to be delayed.
Yesterday evening, there was a passenger who threatened to shoot the conductor for attempting to collect the fare. Took 30 minutes for the cops to show up and trespass the person. Quite the adventure to watch.
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