
Nov 18, 2008
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I got my lic at the Acton event and have been doing PSK31. At first I built a 20m dipole but discovered that 20m is often dead by the time I get home. So I built a 20/40 fan dipole which is working out great.

About 2 weeks ago I discovered JT65 and I'm blown away with the places I have worked! Lot of places in SA and a few in the EU. When the PSK bands are dead the JT65 bands are still going.

It's an odd format but kind of relaxing....I can sit browsing the web and having QSO's at the same time. If you are looking for something new its worth checking out.

It's a great mode along with JT9 for hams like myself who do not have lots of space for full sized antennae. Over the past year, I've worked pretty much all 50 states and around the globe on a pair of hamsticks and 50 watts or less.
de W1RVL.

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Didn't work the stations, but my daughter and I were watching the activity on 40m a week ago.

Heard Antarctica, South Korea, Asian Russia, and Mumbai, India!

HOLY CRAP! That was freakin' cool!

Question: are most digital modes on USB now? With the exception of PSK and RTTY.

I was doing some PAKTOR a few weeks ago and noticed it was on USB at 80 and 40.

I was trying to hit that station on antarctica....that would have been a cool contact.

He called CQ once and I went to turn up my power and accidentally bumped my VFO and missed the transmit window. After that everyone was jumping all over him. I had a contacts all night in SA so my signal was getting down there....next time I guess.

Didn't work the stations, but my daughter and I were watching the activity on 40m a week ago.

Heard Antarctica, South Korea, Asian Russia, and Mumbai, India!

HOLY CRAP! That was freakin' cool!

Question: are most digital modes on USB now? With the exception of PSK and RTTY.

I was doing some PAKTOR a few weeks ago and noticed it was on USB at 80 and 40.

This is really the sort of stuff I want to do with HAM radio.

I can do this with a Tech License right?

Can somebody send me a link to an antenna that I can set up in my room?
Or portable antenna that I could set up on my deck while I use it?
Tech license does not get you access to the popular digital mode bands....you need a general. Popular freq are 7070 (PSK), 7076 (JT65), 14070 (PSK), 14065 (JT65).

As for the antenna, I am using a dipole strung up in nearby trees. A buddy of mine has a dipole stapled to the rafters in his attic and it seems to work...20M is about 32ish feet long.

I have had my eye on the buddipole for some time...looks interesting:

This is really the sort of stuff I want to do with HAM radio.

I can do this with a Tech License right?

Can somebody send me a link to an antenna that I can set up in my room?
Or portable antenna that I could set up on my deck while I use it?
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