I got my lic at the Acton event and have been doing PSK31. At first I built a 20m dipole but discovered that 20m is often dead by the time I get home. So I built a 20/40 fan dipole which is working out great.
About 2 weeks ago I discovered JT65 and I'm blown away with the places I have worked! Lot of places in SA and a few in the EU. When the PSK bands are dead the JT65 bands are still going.
It's an odd format but kind of relaxing....I can sit browsing the web and having QSO's at the same time. If you are looking for something new its worth checking out.
About 2 weeks ago I discovered JT65 and I'm blown away with the places I have worked! Lot of places in SA and a few in the EU. When the PSK bands are dead the JT65 bands are still going.
It's an odd format but kind of relaxing....I can sit browsing the web and having QSO's at the same time. If you are looking for something new its worth checking out.