Just a Working Man With His Tools

Apr 20, 2011
Upstate NY
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Since I read this essay a few months ago by Matthew Bracken (author of Enemies, Foreign and Domestic):

>Bracken: Just A Working Man With His Tools | Western Rifle Shooters Association

I have been dying to try it.

The one thing thing about Mr. Brackens effort that bugged me was that he had to leave part of the muzzle sticking out of the case. Since I have one 16" upper without a muzzle extension, I wanted to try and get the whole gun into the case.

Unfortunately, I had to buy my case on eBay because I couldn't find a free one. It was a perfect case, because it is well worn and would not attract much attention.

I removed as little plastic as possible to get the case to close on the rifle. It really didn't take much, and I had enough foam lying around to pad it up nicely.

I had to remove the scope I had on the rifle, because it stuck out to the rear of the upper receiver. I need to find a smaller optic, or at least a set of BUIS to put on it.

I really don't anticipate ever needing to smuggle an AR-15 around my neighborhood, but I could always strap this to the back of my motorcycle for a trip to the range.

If nothing else, it was a fun way to kill some time on a crappy winter day.










Brackens used a DeWalt case, the plastic partitions can be removed with a Dremel tool. I'm surprised the molded interior of the Milwaukee case worked for you.

Looks good though !
I knew of a couple of Trapezoids that had guitar cases for their shotties.

Supposedly, one rainy night, they stopped to give a bicyclist a ride.

"Hey, what kinda guitars you got?"


"Never heard of that brand before...."


That's the way the story goes, at least....
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great Idea on this
i didn't have time to screw around looking for one so i bought one here Milwaukee 48-55-6510 Sawzall Case.
i'll have to beat it up a little.
Yes the lock could be a problem, the case is lockable, but how many tool cases like that do you see with pad locks on them, not many
anyhow it will work for my puposes. more of an issue walking into our place of biz which this should solve the problem.
I use the steel craftsman tool boxes for lockable ammo cans. There are some smaller ones
Not to be a buzzkill or anything , but I think transportation laws require ammo to be apart from gun in a locked case.

Smarter people than me should chime in , but I think you're legal for storage , loaded , not cool for transportation.
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