Just thought I would share some differences while I'm in Texas


NES Member
Feb 28, 2005
Western MA
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First off it is extremely nice here. I just wanted to share that at least the military is truly appreciated down here. They actually honor our service members on the local news here. Maybe it's because I am so close to quite a few bases, but I really don't think so. I am not far from Sheppard Air base and Ft Sill is a stones throw from where I am also, along with Altus.
It truly is nice to see.[smile]
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Some of my best military years were spent at Fort Wolters, Tx, now a decommissioned base. It's in Mineral Wells and not far from Fort Worth. Used to hunt and fish year 'round and play golf when the weather was decent. Used to work once in awhile too.

We'd come home for Christmas or a funeral once in awhile to my wife's area in W. MA. Always shocked when leaving the south where the military was somewhat appreciated (60's & 70's), coming to New England where the reception was usually less than warm. Thankfully, things have changed albeit a little.
First off it is extremely nice here. I just wanted to share that at least the military is truly appreciated down here. They actually honor our service members on the local news here. Maybe it's because I am so close to quite a few bases, but I really don't think so. I am not far from Sheppard Air base and Ft Sill is a stones throw from where I am also, along with Altus.
It truly is nice to see.[smile]

I'm originally from the Dallas area. It's alot different than "back east" though I have seen some real Patriotic people here too.

I was stationed at Sheppard for a few months when I was in the Navy. What a great time I had there even though they put the Navy's barracks right on top of the runway.
Lol. My mom and my aunt even commented of the differences of how nice people are even compared to WA state. I had to agree and even in the comparison to back home. I found it was a culture shock when I first moved to MA. In all seriousness I would move down here in a heartbeat. I like it even if it is tornado alley.[laugh]
I like it even if it is tornado alley.[laugh]
I remember hiding in the walk-in closet in my 3rd floor corporate apartment in Dallas while listening to the tornado siren. The complex was built quickly and cheaply -- wood-frame construction and not a decent shelter anywhere on site.
I remember hiding in the walk-in closet in my 3rd floor corporate apartment in Dallas while listening to the tornado siren. The complex was built quickly and cheaply -- wood-frame construction and not a decent shelter anywhere on site.

[laugh]Last year I was down here for a month, and my very first day here the siren went off, I had coffee in hand, went and opened the door and walked out and looked around. No dark skies etc. I didn't even know where the storm cellar was at that point.[laugh] Thankfully it was just their monthly test come to find out.
Yeah not the brightest thing I did but live and learn.[laugh] We have the possibilities today for one from what they have been saying.[laugh]
I remember hiding in the walk-in closet in my 3rd floor corporate apartment in Dallas while listening to the tornado siren. The complex was built quickly and cheaply -- wood-frame construction and not a decent shelter anywhere on site.

I grew up in Plano (North Dallas). I remember those sirens all the time. We had to go into a closet under the stairs. I was always shocked why we didn't have basements. Someone said the soil wasn't right for them.

MrsWildweasel, on retiring I plan on heading back to home to Texas except to the Hill Country. Like Willie sang, " No place, but Texas." My mom and I actually danced to that song when I got married. You know, when they make the groom dance with their mom. It was great, though.
[laugh]Last year I was down here for a month, and my very first day here the siren went off, I had coffee in hand, went and opened the door and walked out and looked around. No dark skies etc. I didn't even know where the storm cellar was at that point.[laugh] Thankfully it was just their monthly test come to find out.
Yeah not the brightest thing I did but live and learn.[laugh] We have the possibilities today for one from what they have been saying.[laugh]

The skies would turn this awful yellow green color, and it would get real calm. You got an erie feeling because you know you are about to hear those sirens and maybe see a funnel. YIKES
I grew up in Plano (North Dallas). I remember those sirens all the time. We had to go into a closet under the stairs. I was always shocked why we didn't have basements. Someone said the soil wasn't right for them.
I'm with you on the lack of basements. I hate slab construction. The issue in Texas is expansive clay soil: http://northtexasbasements.building.officelive.com/Basements_In_Texas.aspx

The skies would turn this awful yellow green color, and it would get real calm. You got an erie feeling because you know you are about to hear those sirens and maybe see a funnel. YIKES
I grew up in Chicago. Tornado sky. I know it well. I saw it in Dallas, too.
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