Kagan Confirmed by Senate

[hmmm]my shocked face
Although this was a surprise
Today's yes votes included Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the lone Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to support Kagan when the panel recommended the nomination to the full Senate on a 13-6 vote. Other GOP yes votes came from Richard Lugar of Indiana, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.
taking notes
It's the next nominated judge we need to worry about, for now the balance of power remains the same.
Five Republican Senators joined the Democratic majority to support the nominee: Susan Collins (ME), Lindsey Graham (SC), Richard Lugar (IN), Olympia Snowe (ME) and Judd Gregg (NH).

Useful Idiots...

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I agree, she has no intellectual integrity, but realistically it is about as good as we could have hoped for. There is a possible silver lining: since Kagan was involved in passing Obamacare she may be expected to sit out any litigation involving it. i don't know how likely this is - I can't imagine the administration would make such a dumb mistake - but it would be sweetly ironic if it happened. See http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/2010/07/14/senators-finally-press-kagan-about-obamacare.
How have snow and collins NOT been kicked out of the republican party yet? Does anyone have a breakdown of how often they vote with democrats?
Anti-1st Amendment. Anti-2nd Amendment. Anti-American! Great job. I am surprised the Brown didn't support her.

Just another Communist on the highest court in the land. Wow, I hope the 5 conservatives can hold out until we get Obama's a$$ voted out or we are all screwed.
Five [STRIKE]Republican[/STRIKE] Senators joined the Democratic majority to support the nominee: Susan Collins (ME), Lindsey Graham (SC), Richard Lugar (IN), Olympia Snowe (ME) and Judd Gregg (NH).

Useful Idiots...


Five [STRIKE]Republican[/STRIKE] RINO Senators joined the Democratic majority to support the nominee......predictable.
Why BROWN is dead to some I do not understand........most pick their important battles and stand firm. If you think pissing in the wind is smart, well your not really thinking long term.~Maybe you piss sidways till you can piss in the moonbats faces!
she looks like she has an unquenchable thirst for carpet... maybe now she can come out....
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