Kriss Super V or FS2000

Jun 24, 2008
North of MA
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It's new gun time. I'm looking at either a FS2000 or a Kriss Super V.

I'm leaning towards the FS2000 for a few reasons. I like the feel/balance, it will accept AR style mags, etc...

The Kriss looks really interesting though and I would love a rifle chambered in .45. But it feels overpriced for what it is and is limited to 10rnd mags in MA.

Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on either of these that may sway/reinforce my decision? Thanks.
FS2000. Period End. Just make sure you get some magpul ranger plates to pull the mags out of the magwell with. (They don't drop free with the gasket installed, which is a good thing).

FS2000. Period End. Just make sure you get some magpul ranger plates to pull the mags out of the magwell with. (They don't drop free with the gasket installed, which is a good thing).


There is an easier way of pulling them with one hand. It takes a little practice but no ranger plates required. Assuming a righty shooter, Meaty part of the left Index finger pushes in the button and the pinky and ring finger grab and extract the mag.
There is an easier way of pulling them with one hand. It takes a little practice but no ranger plates required. Assuming a righty shooter, Meaty part of the left Index finger pushes in the button and the pinky and ring finger grab and extract the mag.

I've always pictured knocking the mag forwards and out with with next mag as people sort-of do with FALs. Not sure if this really works.

EDIT: The fact that I've even thought about this for a gun I don't own and am not likely to want to pay for should tell you all you need to know!
No way. The mag well is so deep a 20 rd mag would get lost in there. No way to knock it forward. It has to be pulled.

Terraformer is right on the money. I have a bushmaster 20 round mag housing that is extremely difficult to extract from my rifle. It takes a very deliberate act to remove the bastard.

Here's what a c-products 10 round mag looks like with the ranger plate:


I'm assuming you're talking about 1 handed mag changes with pre-ban 30 round magazines. I find that it's super easy to do one-handed mag changes with a ranger plated 10 round mag, as the handle is so close to the eject button, it requires little hand movement.

Also, you can modify your fs2000 to allow easier mag changes by removing the dust gasket in the magazine well. I refuse to do so but have heard that the work results in a ar-15 like gravity function. But if you wanted that, why not just get an ar-15? [wink]

and as far as voting for the fs2000 or the kriss super V, obviously you can see which I went with, but I'm sure the Kriss is a blast to shoot, too. From my recent experience, the fs2000 functions quite well. It'll cycle crap-tastic wolf ammo or russian 5.56. Surprisingly well, actually.
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Yes, you can forgo the ranger plates but I just like them in general, even for use in a regular old AR.

Another nice thing about them is you can whack the bottom of the mag rather solidly to make sure it is in tight without hurting your hand in the process. (ok, ok, I'll turn in my man card for this one). [laugh]

I have an Fs2000 and really like it. An alternative you may want to look at is the MSAR or Aug (as long as they take AR mags).
While the Kris is definitely cool. Aren't you just getting a pistol with a stock? IMO this thing on semi, is just lacking..

And, if by chance, you get a green fs and don't like the green. I have been looking to swap my black stock for green for quite a while..
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