Last ak question

absolutely, but you WILL need these two little thingies:



do you have any particular grips in mind or just any wood will do?
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excellent us made stuff in wide variety of wood of your choice but pricy

or you can go to apex and get nice tantal brand new upper and lower handguard.

also if you google it you'll find another thousand other offerings.

Just remember about 922r compliance if you are buying surplus imported stuff.

you might wanna look over what's on you rifle is US made and what is imported.
AFAIK k-var just throughs bare minimum of us parts to make their converts compliant.
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just looked over your original post...
you have folding butt stock? [shocked]
threaded barrel, bayonet lug?
anything else evil? if you are in MA in it looks like you are you might get yourself in a lot of trouble with those features, unless those are already taken care of.
just looked over your original post...
you have folding butt stock? [shocked]
threaded barrel, bayonet lug?
anything else evil? if you are in MA in it looks like you are you might get yourself in a lot of trouble with those features, unless those are already taken care of.

Legal issues aside, why on earth would you want to put a wood fore-end on a rifle that has a plastic stock?

i dont like the look of plastic.....
really new to the ar world...getting beat up by it every day.
I was told that the folder was easy to replace,but thats not the case at all.
live and learn
sounds like i should be concerned...

If you didn't do any research on the MA AWB, I would recommend reading the sticky in the MA law section.

If you did, and don't care, tell me and any of the state felator's that will be by soon to hump your leg over what you can and can't have to pound sand.
looks like a have a prblem

did i forget to mention hi-cap mags that are not pre-bans?

barrel is pinned

not sure what you mean, but if anything you should be worried about brake (if it's not welded or hi-temp soldered) that another evil feature - threaded barrel.

you might wanna call your dealer and ask few questions. perhaps seek alternative consult.
ski patrol:2364821 said:
thats what im looking for now.someone who really knows.i asked him about it and he said it was ma ok.said the dist would not have giving it to him to sell if it wasnt
dude, the people who ENFORCE the laws here don't even know them.....trusting a distributor is iffy at best.
kinda makes me think of that ex-FFL who went to jail. I wouldn't want to be his customer and get in trouble because of what some one though it was "ma ok"
folding stocks, even integrated ones, can easily be pinned. A simple tack weld to the internal folding mechanisms can cause a stock to cease it's folding function.

As far as a pinned barrel - if the brake is pinned, you're pretty much set. Common practice in the AWB days was to blind-pin a brake to the threaded barrel, thus killing off the threaded barrel evil feature. SGL's come with muzzle brakes, so you don't have to worry about flash hiders.

If it came with a new high cap mag, just trash it and you're fine. If it's combloc surplus? Odds are it's pre-ban. Most were made pre-1994 and the ones that were made post-1994 (and not bulgarian) are super expensive and nearly impossible to find as collector's want them due to their current-issue status.

No need to get all worried and panic. Just make sure your brake is pinned, welded, or silver soldered, make sure the lugs are ground off (or welded up), and make sure your folding stock is permanently "fixed" into it's position.
I would just pin the release button for the folding stock. That way it could be reversed if he ever went twords freedom.
If one wanted to get really technical: his rifle doesn't have a threaded barrel. It's got a threaded front sight block... which is pressed and pinned to the barrel itself. The brake then screws onto the threads of the front sight block, which acts as a sleeve to the barrel itself.

This, of course, makes chest pounding law nazi's heads explode. All you would really have to do is add a 10-round blocked 30 round clear bulgarian magazine to the party and a slide fire, and Internetards would really piss their pants and mash their keyboards in pure frustration.

guao;greaio;grjiao;grh b-b-b-b-b-BUUUUTTTT

disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. Do not read my typing as gospel for any law that you want to glue yourself to.
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The guy on the right obviously did not have a MASS COMPLIANT life jacket.


"And to think.... I told Bertrand this morning... that.... COUGH (hacks up blood).... life vests are for pussies! "
I wouldn't Massify any rifle,unless it was a kit you built to start,Arsenal makes MA compliant rifles,take it back and get something else.Why spend a 1k on features you cant use?
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