Lc9 vs Taurse 85 CCW

Jul 18, 2011
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What do you guys think is a more reliable platform? I like the Lc9, it has been 100% reliable but I just dont have the confidence in it like i do a snubby frame. Do you think it would be a safe trade? Does the 85 even compair to a J Frame?
I have an 85. Ive never had a problem with it, but its a slightly older one, when they still looked almost identical to the S&W's. Ive read mixed reviews, some people seem to have issued with overly large cylinder gaps, or essentially none at all resulting in spitting lead etc or binding. I'd say if you give the gun a good once over for lockup and gap, it should run just fine. I think their revolvers are better than their autos myself. Placed side by side to a J frame my grandfather had, they look and feel the same, the S&W just had a little more finish work done to it.

The LC9 is 17 oz, vs the Taurus' 25 oz.
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I would rather have an Lcr or J frame. The issue is what ever I get I have to trade my LC9 for. Pretty straped for cash at the moment but realy want a snub. I end up coming back to a J frame and a glock. I have the glock now I just need the snub.
Whoever is getting the Taurus is getting screwed, unless you happen to know the service history of the gun in question.

Yea im gonna hold out for a J frame or somthing. I have to get my membership so I can post my Lc9. It seems knowbody is looking for an Lc9. One guy I sent a pm to said he had already been offered at atleast one Lc9.
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