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I don't smell anything... regular people generally have no f***ing clue about gun laws.    I mean think about it.... in a normal state you walk up to the counter at a dealer with your driver's license you fill out some form you'll never remember... and you leave with a gun. do you think that person is going to have any clue about the legal mechanicals / restrictions/ etc of the process?   Nope.    Not one thing.  

Right now there are probably two guys somewhere unknowingly committing a straw purchase or violating some other stupid shitlogic based federal gun law simply because they  literally don't know that it's a felony.     Most of them start to push the boundaries of common sense so it's ultimately not reasonable to expect some average person to know what is legal or illegal.    Like as an example do you have any idea how many people I have had tell me that they drove to another state and bought or sold a gun with a family member FTF?    Those numbers are off the charts and not a single one of them realizes they committed a felony when they did that.

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