Looking for a decent .22 handgun, any suggestions in the $250-500 price range?

Jan 27, 2012
Cape Cod Ma
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Trying to find a fairly accurate 22 handgun in the $250-500 price range. Any thoughts on:

Walter P22 w/ 5" barrel
Ruger 22/45

Open to other suggestions...

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I have had great experiences with several Rugers (MKII and III), as well as my walther p22. The p22 is about 7 yrs old and I've had minimal issues with it after thousands of rounds. That said, I can't speak to the quality of more recent models.
There are some good 22 cal wheel guns out there too, could probably find a used (maybe new?) S&W in your price range. Or if you are into old-school, the Ruger single six is a neat gun.
Anyone know if the M&P 22 from S&W is approved for MA sale? I'm kind of interested in picking up one of those myself.
The Ruger is a great gun. I have a Sig Mosquito and while I do like it, it doesn't like anything other than CCI Minimags pretty much (though it seemed to eat Winchester's M-22 fairly well). The P22 is a smaller gun. Similar to the Sig where it likes to jam up. I like the aesthetics of the Mosquito & P22, but the 22/45 is an ugly duck that simply works, period.
Ruger Mark 2 or 3. I have both, great guns.

NOTE: I saw a used Ruger Mark 2 at Law Enforcement supplies in Waltham, last tuesday, I believe it was $300 or $325.
Browning Buckmark
S&W 63 or 617
My personal favorite is the S&W 41, but they hardly ever go for under $500.

I'd go with the 22/45 myself (and have). If you want a wheelie the 617 is a great choice, but also unlikely < $500.
S&W 22 so far is NOT MA compliant. I will second what others add to sig mosquito. I love mine, but you need to feed it CCI mini mags, which are more expensive than the bulk federal etc. Gun will ftf without them.
P22 sucks I'll sell you mine if you want it. Ruger MK3 is the way I'd go.

Push 1k rounds thru it to wear down some of the casting spurs left over from the QA department. Once it's "fully" worn out...er, broken in, it fires just fine. Throw some CCI velocitors thru it (1450fps) or CCI Stingers (1650+fps) and it'll work just fine [wink]

Ruger MKII or MKIII.....fantastic IMO
Another vote here for the 22/45 mkIII. I got one last week and already love shooting it. Very accurate right out of the box.
I'm going to pick up an sr22 as soon as I can find one in MA. Everything I've heard about them is quite positive. I don't particularly like how the MKIII is hard to disassemble and put back together.

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I disassembled my 22/45 after getting it... worst mistake! I had to take it to Four Seasons and ask them to put it back together. I haven't taken it apart again. My cleaning is limited to a bore snake every few range trips.
Ruger for sure. Unless you get into some serious bullseye shooting, you will never "outgrow" this gun. I have sold this as a first gun to beginners, yet I also see people shooting 270+ in my league.

You can literally upgrade every single part and make the gun even better if you wanted to.
Lol I have enough challenges in my life! I like easy when it comes to cleaning guns. That is why I don't own a Ruger 10/22. If I need a special tool or special skills I'll pass. Just my personal preference. I've shot a number of the Ruger 22 pistols and they are great shooters.

Bah, there not that hard. Once you do it a couple times there pretty easy.

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I'm going to pick up an sr22 as soon as I can find one in MA. Everything I've heard about them is quite positive. I don't particularly like how the MKIII is hard to disassemble and put back together.

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It's a blast to shoot and I feed it only bulk ammo! Definitely recommend picking one up!
+1 for MKIII. And I admit, it took me a visit to YouTube to figure out how to put it back together, but now it's no big deal to break down and clean.
I'm in on the Ruger line as well. Both semi auto or revolver, you can't go wrong. Try and find one of those mk III 6 7/8 GOV'T models, laser sighted from factory, awesome .22.
Trying to find a fairly accurate 22 handgun in the $250-500 price range. Any thoughts on:

Walter P22 w/ 5" barrel
Ruger 22/45

Open to other suggestions...
Ruger - great gun; use it until you get to the point where you're thinking you need a Hammerli to take advantage of your skills. Mark I, II or III (III can be a PITA to strip to clean, but you've seen these comments already!)

S&W 617 - another great gun (wheelie).
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