Looking for a mentor for Trap at Braintree Rifle Pistol Club

Dec 11, 2012
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Hi all,

I am a semi-newbie to handguns and rifles, but a total newbie to shotguns. I am very interested in learning about trap, but have no idea on shotguns, patterning, types of shells, or how to shoot trap. Hoping to meet someone a couple of times who can teach me and help me get on my way. It would be great if they either have multiple shotguns I can try for fitment, or active with other members whose shotguns I can try. I can pay for ammo/clays used. I am 5'10" if that helps narrow shotgun sizes, I assume someone who is 6'5" would prefer a different gun than I.


I've been a BR&P member for 15 years but have never shot trap there (shame on me). I actually haven't shot skeet or trap since before 1992 when I tore my rotator cuff. So I can't help you directly. I suggest going up to the trap field maybe 11:30AM on a Sunday. They shoot trap as an organized thing every Sunday at Noon. Perhaps the guys there will answer your questions, etc. No idea if anyone will loan their gun to you to try it, as that would be an individual's personal decision. The club doesn't own any shotguns. Also no idea if they sell ammo, but 7-1/2 shot (lead) is the proper loads to use there.

Good luck.
Not to speak for the BR&P Trapezoids, but I will say that most Trap facilities have folks around that are free with knowledge and will often loan out toys.

Bring singles to pay (cashier will appreciate it!), eyes and ears (plugs generally work better than muffs).

Dress comfortably, and let the people know that you're interested. At my place (Southborough) new shooters are generally given too much variety in choice of loaner. [laugh] I generally have a field-type auto (which is what I shoot) that makes a good intro for most people. At 5'10", you're within the "normal" range for an "off-the-rack" gun, so don't sweat it.

Relax - it's not rocket surgery. Get used to missing (I have ! [laugh]). I had a new shooter last night, who showed up with a Mossy pump, all camo. Not what you see in the rack at the State Shoot! First round: 8/25. He was so tense, he left fingerprints in the stock.

Second round, more relaxed, 16/25.

There you go.

Now, as to what gun.....don't jump in until you shoot a few. My kid just upgraded to a "real" trap gun....he figured he needed more than an 870 pump, as he only shot 196/200 (including a 100 straight) at his last competition. My point....find one that fits you physically and mentally, and shoot.

Hell, I'm still trying to find a beater of a bolt-action shottie with a polychoke - purely for the asthetics [laugh] for $50 to make the point that it's not all about the gun at the start.

Just do it! [wink]
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