Looking for M44 Mosin nagant carbine manuals


NES Member
Mar 24, 2008
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well today i picked up a M44 in great condition for $98. ive fired the rifles before, and i know the operation of it, but i only know basic elements of its breakdown and maintenance. do any of you guys know of any good resources i should be reading?
thanks a lot. im going to use the cleaning guide to make sure this beast is clean. my friends mosin has that bolt stick issue that one of these links discuss, and thats the last thing i want my rifle to be doing.
do you guys suggest any other things i should do to it? its a new beast to me.
well i cleaned it out pretty good today. i took the bolt out, but i didnt take it apart since it was already incredibly clean. i soaked it in a solvent and bascily nothing came off.

the barrel on the other hand, looked like it hadent been clean since WWII. i never seen so much green copper come out of a barrel in my life. should be pretty smooth when i bring it out to the range.
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Teke the bolt apart and clean inside.

Then when you out it back together, check your firing pin protrusion.
If you can find info on it, look at surplusrifle.com's Mosin section. Its in the disassembly area and describes how to use the Mosin take down tool.
well today i picked up a M44 in great condition for $98. ive fired the rifles before, and i know the operation of it, but i only know basic elements of its breakdown and maintenance. do any of you guys know of any good resources i should be reading?

I saw several at Zero Hour for the same price. I was so tempted to buy one, but refrained.
I saw several at Zero Hour for the same price. I was so tempted to buy one, but refrained.


Everyone needs a historical boom-stick complete with folding bayonet. [grin]

Just think... where else are you going to find a military surplus high powered and easily carried rifle that shoots readily available surplus ammunition for under $100?
Try to stay away from Czech in the light blue box. You might have to "bitch slap" your bolt after a few fired to open and chamber the next round.

Thank you for pointing that out.... now I know why the bolt on a new (to me) Mosin was seizing up after shooting through a light-blue box of Czech ammo. I really had to give it a whack to get the thing open. Thankfully, I did not buy that in bulk.
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Thank you for pointing that out.... now I know why the bolt on a new (to me) Mosin's bolt was seizing up after shooting through a light-blue box of Czech ammo. I really had to give it a whack to get the thing open. Thankfully, I did not buy that in bulk.

There are many different ammo types that will help a Mosin bolt to stick and some late war receivers were machined so poorly that burrs tight tolerances also contributed to the problem. Rumor is that even in WW2 Russian soldiers dealt with this and there are reports of right handed soldiers instructed on cycling the bolt with their left hand in an over the top of the rifle manner because it gives more leverage.

Everyone needs a historical boom-stick complete with folding bayonet. [grin]

Just think... where else are you going to find a military surplus high powered and easily carried rifle that shoots readily available surplus ammunition for under $100?

i didnt want a bayonet on mine, they are a accident waiting to happen in my opinion.
I picked up one of the M44's at Zero Hour on Saturday. Can't wait to clean it up and go to the range
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