Looking forward to the Apocalypse?

Dec 12, 2011
I'm not sure, can you help me?
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My wife swears I am actually looking forward to Dec. 12th, who knows, she might be right. Would it be such a bad thing to see everyone on a level playing field? I am as comfortable on my couch as the next guy, watching my flat screen and typing on the laptop. However, I think this world does need a big dose of reality with a side order of shoulda, coulda, woulda. For me and the way I live my life, I could do just fine with a little less plastic crap and a little more homemade food. Just a little something thats been on my mind, any thoughts?
My wife swears I am actually looking forward to Dec. 12th, who knows, she might be right. Would it be such a bad thing to see everyone on a level playing field? I am as comfortable on my couch as the next guy, watching my flat screen and typing on the laptop. However, I think this world does need a big dose of reality with a side order of shoulda, coulda, woulda. For me and the way I live my life, I could do just fine with a little less plastic crap and a little more homemade food. Just a little something thats been on my mind, any thoughts?

Nothing...you are a week early on your prediction,I'm positive when I wake up on the 21st of December the world will still be here.
It might be something to look forward to if government and society were wiped out and the survivors go back to living like little house on the prairie. But that is highly improbable. Instead we are going to get more oppressive government as they try to double down on their double downs of proven bad policies, in an attempt to control the people. I do not look forward to that, so I make use of the time I have to prepare while it is still possible to do so.
I answered that assuming you were speaking about a collapse other than the non event coming Dec 21.
Sounds like fun until your kid gets strep and dies or you cut your foot, it gets infected and you die or your garden fails and you all starve or your neighbor shoots your wife because his family is starving etc etc etc. Sure we need to reset the clock a bit but I for one like hot showers, advanced medical care and watching the Pats. TEOTWAWKI seems like a great idea but I think the reality is a lot different.
One of my daughters did a calculation in school based on the original prophecy. Because they didn't use leap years and other calender adjustments, it's already happened. So you're still going to have to pay your taxes....
As they say "careful what you wish for."...but more personal responsability, more "suck it up and do your job", and less government wouldn't be a bad thing.
Sounds like fun until your kid gets strep and dies or you cut your foot, it gets infected and you die or your garden fails and you all starve or your neighbor shoots your wife because his family is starving etc etc etc. Sure we need to reset the clock a bit but I for one like hot showers, advanced medical care and watching the Pats. TEOTWAWKI seems like a great idea but I think the reality is a lot different.


New England is no place to test this theory out. It would be a full time job just keeping up with the firewood for our 2000+ square foot houses.
I put on my plate carrier, sling my rifle and tug it hard to the thought of living like a caveman constantly. High-Five Bro!

Sounds like fun until your kid gets strep and dies or you cut your foot, it gets infected and you die or your garden fails and you all starve or your neighbor shoots your wife because his family is starving etc etc etc. Sure we need to reset the clock a bit but I for one like hot showers, advanced medical care and watching the Pats. TEOTWAWKI seems like a great idea but I think the reality is a lot different.

My neighbors going to feed my wife to his family in teotwawki?

Its called survival of the fittest, i welcome that aspect of teotwawki.
One of my daughters did a calculation in school based on the original prophecy. Because they didn't use leap years and other calender adjustments, it's already happened. So you're still going to have to pay your taxes....

Your daughters teachers need to go back to school the "prophecy" wasn't based on the date of Dec. 21 but number of days to the end of their long count calender which happened to be Dec. 21 but at least the teachers are keeping them busy with information that will help them in life.

Your daughters teachers need to go back to school the "prophecy" wasn't based on the date of Dec. 21 but number of days to the end of their long count calender which happened to be Dec. 21 but at least the teachers are keeping them busy with information that will help them in life.
Well, I think the 'apocalypse fantasy' is a grossly under-studied phenomenon. I think many people in one form or another, especially young men, fantasize of living in a world where they can be a super-hero, a la Mad Max or some other movie character.

The problem is that the reality won't be nearly as much fun as the fantasy, and many people don't think through many aspects of post-apocalyptic living that will suck, like having your wife die in childbirth or having you or a family member die because of an easily treated infection.

I think the reason so many people are hoping for it now is that the system, systems, government, or what have you, is so messed up and dysfunctional that it seems much easier to tear it all down and start over than to try and fix it.

I really hope the apocalypse, in whatever form, doesn't come. However, if it does, and it can be survived with any meaningful level of sustainable subsistence, then that is the goal.

Something to keep in mind is that historically, liberty is the outlier and tyranny is the norm, so whatever arises after is more likely to be bad rather than good.
The problem is that the reality won't be nearly as much fun as the fantasy, and many people don't think through many aspects of post-apocalyptic living that will suck, like having your wife die in childbirth or having you or a family member die because of an easily treated infection.

I think the reason so many people are hoping for it now is that the system, systems, government, or what have you, is so messed up and dysfunctional that it seems much easier to tear it all down and start over than to try and fix it.

I really hope the apocalypse, in whatever form, doesn't come. However, if it does, and it can be survived with any meaningful level of sustainable subsistence, then that is the goal.

Something to keep in mind is that historically, liberty is the outlier and tyranny is the norm, so whatever arises after is more likely to be bad rather than good.

The reality is, TWAWKIWE (the world as we know it will end).

I think we all know we're going to be having Christmas and pay our taxes next April.

Our country will fall along with all the other countries and societies/cultures on the planet. Absolutely inevitable.

I'm also pretty damned sure most of us will die of old age before it happens and probably our great great grandkids, too.

Asteroid? Comet? Pollution? Global Warming? Nuclear war? Sun blows up? Something will eventually happen that takes us out, so long as we have all our eggs in this basket. And I don't see us going anywhere anytime soon.

My money is on < 500 years and I wouldn't be shocked if it was < 50 years before something disrupts us sufficiently to change everything. But 5000, 50k or 50m is just as likely.
I posted this as a discussion topic, not because I canceled all my bank accounts in fear of the end of civilization ( not that paper money would help ). I am also of the believe that if the SHTF it would suck for all of us, however, depending on your chosen method of destruction, the long term outcome could be better for people as a whole. I can say for shit sure I'm tired of looking at everyone under the age of 25 staring at their cell phones nonstop, like that little thing is doing something magical. Trust me your friends will find you if they need you!

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Oh, and sorry I got the date wrong. I've seen enough Discovery and Nat-Geo shows in the past months that we all know the 21[smile]
I think I get what you mean OP, lot of butt-hurts taking things literal here.

"The world is so F'd up, it deserves a reset." Even if that reset doesn't spare you in any way.

There's a few scenarios I wouldn't plan on surviving anyway... so if its one of those is to ever occur, I'm at peace with it. Best case scenario though would definitely be something acute that rapidly takes out the bottom feeders of society... but human nature being what it is that's only a short term thing.
Best case scenario though would definitely be something acute that rapidly takes out the bottom feeders of society...

I fear the bottom feeders are better at adapting and surviving than we are. They're like cockroaches...

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My birthday is 12-12-12.

Happy Birthday Jaynose79!
The reality is, TWAWKIWE (the world as we know it will end).
Asteroid? Comet? Pollution? Global Warming? Nuclear war? Sun blows up? Something will eventually happen that takes us out, so long as we have all our eggs in this basket. And I don't see us going anywhere anytime soon.

I feel humans have not done a damn thing to make this planet a better place and would be better off without us. We almost got served this week actually...


This picture is quite pleasing although it would wipe out more than humans. Would kick up some good waves to surf though.

Ever seen a collapsed or tribal society? I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

It wouldn't be the adventure you think it would.... there is a reason we have worked so hard to get where we are today. Crap used to suck. Theres a decent chance of you getting whiped out should everything fall, no matter how well you think you prepped. Hopefully your wife and daughter dont become some toys for somebody else, or you dont die of something that is a non-issue now. Have fun never sleeping, always being hungry and dirty. When theres not enough crap and too many people, you're gonna have a bad time, no matter how awesome you think your plan is. Theres a reason these other countries have war lords and everyone else is starving to death.


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I think it sucks when my power goes out for a day or two. It seems to happen once a winter. No flush toilets, no heat, fridge is out. It sucks. Now add to that what others mentioned like no medicine to combat what we now consider routine illnesses and suck is at a new level. In a true collapse of society you now have immoral or disparate people wanting to kill you for what you have. I don't care how efficient you are at punching holes in paper it's different when there's return fire. Not all, but a good number of people here are fantasizing.

I would like to see just enough civil unrest in this country to get our government back on track and make the constitution relevant again. How that should happen exactly I really don't know.
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