Looking to join... Ipswich or Georgetown?


Jan 16, 2009
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I plan on attending one of the two's meetings on Monday to try and join... I figured i'd ask here which one would be best served.

Ipswich is where I took my safety course, one of the VP's seems like a great guy... but aside from that I don't know too much else other than what is said on the website. The rifle/pistol ranges were under construction when I went for the class... and I don't own a shotty and not sure if I have any interest in trap yet..

I've never been to Georgetown, and there site is a little sparse on info. Ipswich seems more organized in this regard. (though if I joined, I'd gladly volunteer my IT skills)

My main interest is shooting my AK and AR at 100 yards, and everything in between... I'm not sure if I misunderstood the Ipswich sites stating you need to move closer to the 100yd burm as opposed to the bench for under 100yds (which would be impossible if someone else was shooting at the same time obviously.) They also limit to paper targets.

Of course, a good range for my pistol is important.

Is any one here a member to either of these that will give me a tour this week or at the meeting? Any other input? Cost is the same as far as I can tell, and as long as it's used appropriately, isn't much of an issue.

I'm aware you're in the Rowley area but why not give Cape Ann Sportsmans Club in Gloucester a shot. I'm always at the outdoor 100yd range on Sundays. Give a ring to the club and tell them you would like to shoot. If not, c'mon down as my guest to see if you like it. Matt
I have been to both clubs. When I went to the Georgetown one, I was a guest of a friends and there was no one else there, it seemed to be a really nice setup, all the ranges were nice and close to eachother, and I guess the only target restriction is anything but glass as long as you clean up after. The Ipswich club is also a very nice setup, I know quite a few members of there and they are all very hood people. I was shooting in the summer doubles trap league on monday nights and I occaisionally shoot trap on sundays there. Very nice setup, like I said, it is a little more spread out than Georgetown. They also have an archery field as well, so if you ever decided to get into that, then it is a great place for you. Good luck with whichever you choose.
I have belonged to G'Town for about 25 years. It obviously suits my needs.

I can't make the meeting tonight but would be glad to show you around some time and answer any questions.
I'm a member @ ipswich. You are correct that if you want to shoot your AR/AK/rifle @ 50 yards, you will have to move closer to the 100yd berm. This also must be done under agreement with anyone shooting at the pistol berm(which is not thick enough to handle rifle rounds).

The limit to paper targets is for good reason. Cleaning up a range is a pain in the ass, and 1 bad apple can ruin it(and has) for everyone. It was someone before you, and before me, but someone shot up a can/pumpkin/something messy and then just left it there for others to deal with. That kind of irresponsibility led to the range making their rules more stiff in that regard.

The trap range is awesome and they have it setup pretty nicely. The archery range is also pretty cool if that is your thing.

Hope to see you at tonight's meeting.

I joined Georgetown last night, after stopping by early and giving myself a tour of the ranges.

Met a few members at the meeting, glad I did, seems like an awesome group. The club really has its stuff together.

The club certainly needs some website help, I volunteered to help with that.

Hope to meet any of you NES'ers that are members soon! I'll be testing my new Saiga before the week is out. [smile]
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