Loose Upper/Lower on new S&W M&P 15T


NES Member
Dec 3, 2008
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What is it with Smith and loose fitting stuff?!?!?!?!

My S&W 1911PD has a loose and rattling trigger and my new M&P15T upper and lower are a bit loose...

I bought a new trigger and “wedge” from Brownell’s to fix both…

I went with Smith stuff to get quality… Sigh…

Enought that I can feel the upper and lower move when I simply hold it... I read here (or on another forum that most were tight and had no movement.
Absent use of an Accu-Wedge (or similar device), all ARs will display some detectible movement between the upper and the lower. This is inherent in the design, which uses the captive pin, but no tensioning device, to capture the upper and lower together. If you find one that, without use of an Accu-Wedge or similar device, displays no discernible movement, then what you have is a mis-alignment of the rear pivot pin holes such that (a) it takes considerable force to drive the pin home and (b) what is producing the tension required to display this "tightness" is plastic deformation of the rear pivot pin (something that isn't desireable).
I bought one (Accu-Wedge) thinking it was my only solution... I figured there be a little slop, but his is annoying... Then again I am a perfectionist...

It should be here tomorrow... Along with my trigger for the Smith 1911...
Absent use of an Accu-Wedge (or similar device), all ARs will display some detectible movement between the upper and the lower. This is inherent in the design, which uses the captive pin, but no tensioning device, to capture the upper and lower together. If you find one that, without use of an Accu-Wedge or similar device, displays no discernible movement, then what you have is a mis-alignment of the rear pivot pin holes such that (a) it takes considerable force to drive the pin home and (b) what is producing the tension required to display this "tightness" is plastic deformation of the rear pivot pin (something that isn't desireable).

That ain't necessarily so. I bought an upper from American Spirit Arms that wouldn't close! Upon closer examination I found that a "lump" was added to the upper where it made contact with the lower just behind the front take down pin. Gradual removal of metal from this area gave me a perfect lock up.
An eraser? Where would that go? Am I to assume that the Accu-Wedge is the size or an eraser?
an accu-wedge is junk that will at best turn your ar into a malfunction machine and at worst, if you rely on it for hard use, duty or self-defense, it could get you shot. It has no place in an ar.
I don't think I would use the AR for self defense (I don't want a round leaving my house)... My .38 or .45 is for that... If the US went into chaos then it would come out... But for normal day to day, a handgun... So if the SHTF, I'll pop it out...
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