In my opinion...and completely my opinion...M&P will never hold a candle to Glock. Take your best M&P with a highly tuned apex trigger and pull the trigger, hold it, then, listen for the reset. Then do the same with a stock box Glock. You will hear a light tick when the M&P resets, but when the Glock resets you hear and fell a Very Deliberate CLICK. This makes a big difference to me when shooting double taps and mulitple shots.
The trigger on the Glock has a very clean break with little to no overtravel. I have owned several M&Ps (with the highly acclaimed Apex kit) and can not get any anthing close to the satisfaction of a Glock. I carry my Glock 19c every day without fail.
Now in the looks that's a whole different story. The M&P is a much smarter. I am not partial to collecting a snappy looking pistol. I just want a side arm that I can bet my life on every time.