I bought my M&P40 (MA compliant model) back near the end of May (at the S&W Shooting Sports Center after trying one that had been worked on by Dan several weeks earlier. Of course, as one would expect, the MA compliant model, although a very nice gun in its own right, couldn't come close to the Burwell M&P. A simple spring swap done by M&M Plimouth Bay Outfitters made it a little better, but the trigger was still heavy and the break wasn't as crisp as I would have liked.
Thus, I decided that I would send it to the master M&P gunsmith. Dan Burwell is located in Pennsylvania and offers a variety of services for M&P (and 1911) shooters, including frame modifications, two toned guns, beavertail removal, etc, but all I wanted was his standard trigger package (3.5#) and the magazine disconnect removed.
Emailed him last week and finally got around to shipping the gun on Tuesday of last week. It arrived back today.
I have to say this is the nicest striker gun I have ever shot. I have never had much success with the Glocks or Sigmas (the prior probably due to the grip angle, the latter due to the horrendous trigger) or any other non-1911 combat handgun, so I was hoping that this M&P would be the end-all to my problems. It definitely is! Dan replaced the sear block or whatever its called with a new one, and did some other work on it, and the end result is the trigger is the nicest trigger I have ever shot on any handgun. It beats my SW1911 which is no slouch itself, as well as my revolvers, even in SA. The takeup is long, but this is inherent in the design, apparently, but the pull is incredible. Once you take up the trigger, firing the pistol is as natural as can be. The break is crisp, and the trigger is just heavy enough to be safe, but light enough that I no longer jerk the pistol when I pull the trigger, unlike before (used to pull them all right, but not any more)
The turnaround was just over a week, total cost was 45 for shipping each way, 65 for the trigger and 15 for the mag disconnect for a total cost of $170. I know that's a lot, but if you want to get the most out of your M&P, I highly recommend Dan Burwell (website http://www.burwellgunsmithing.com). I know that many are mechanically inclined and have followed his step by step instructions and done their own trigger work, or taken them to other gunsmiths, but for me, this turned my M&P into a lifetime keeper.
Thus, I decided that I would send it to the master M&P gunsmith. Dan Burwell is located in Pennsylvania and offers a variety of services for M&P (and 1911) shooters, including frame modifications, two toned guns, beavertail removal, etc, but all I wanted was his standard trigger package (3.5#) and the magazine disconnect removed.
Emailed him last week and finally got around to shipping the gun on Tuesday of last week. It arrived back today.
I have to say this is the nicest striker gun I have ever shot. I have never had much success with the Glocks or Sigmas (the prior probably due to the grip angle, the latter due to the horrendous trigger) or any other non-1911 combat handgun, so I was hoping that this M&P would be the end-all to my problems. It definitely is! Dan replaced the sear block or whatever its called with a new one, and did some other work on it, and the end result is the trigger is the nicest trigger I have ever shot on any handgun. It beats my SW1911 which is no slouch itself, as well as my revolvers, even in SA. The takeup is long, but this is inherent in the design, apparently, but the pull is incredible. Once you take up the trigger, firing the pistol is as natural as can be. The break is crisp, and the trigger is just heavy enough to be safe, but light enough that I no longer jerk the pistol when I pull the trigger, unlike before (used to pull them all right, but not any more)
The turnaround was just over a week, total cost was 45 for shipping each way, 65 for the trigger and 15 for the mag disconnect for a total cost of $170. I know that's a lot, but if you want to get the most out of your M&P, I highly recommend Dan Burwell (website http://www.burwellgunsmithing.com). I know that many are mechanically inclined and have followed his step by step instructions and done their own trigger work, or taken them to other gunsmiths, but for me, this turned my M&P into a lifetime keeper.